It is also shown that she knew he was going out with Hannah on a bet and disapproved of it. An angered Hannah called Marcus an asshole and pushed him out of the booth, making him angered and he then left. In a flashback scene we saw Alex push Bryce to his death for all the hurt he had caused. He is somewhat manipulative to as he reaches out to Clay a few times and invites him to social gatherings though it is shown he is only doing this to distract him from the tapes as much as possible. Meanwhile, former couple Justin Foley and Jessica appeared to reconcile despite his ongoing battle with drug addiction. No one deserves that. The two rarely interacted much after this incident and Marcus never showed any remorse for his actions when Hannah was alive. Check back as we continue to update this post throughout the week. Marcus and Hannah on their date in a flashback in "The Second Polaroid". It is unknown how Clay feels about Marcus personally, or if he knows Marcus planted the weed, but it is likely he dislikes him for his remorselessness over his role in Hannah's death. FANS are eagerly awaiting the fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why. Like Hannah did, she started to believe that she was less than. Looking for a new Netflix series to binge or the best movies to watch on Amazon Prime? Marcus later calls Bryce a rapist at a public event, which leads to Bryce ending their friendship. In Season 3, she mentions the reason she is now student body president is because Marcus was "a sexist pig who likes strippers", implying she does not respect him anymore.

She even revealed that she always kind of liked Marcus. Clay also found new love with newcomer Ani - despite the fact she had also had a romance with rapist Bryce. As he was dead, the gang - encouraged by Clay - pinned Bryce's murder on him. The official synopsis for season four says: "In the series' final season, Liberty High School's Senior Class prepares for graduation. Hannah begins to get upset but Marcus continues to sexually harass her until she pushes him out of the booth, angering him and making him leave. And leaving those tapes...That's a fucked up thing to do! And that the deck is stacked against me. Warning: This post contains plot details and spoilers from season 3 of 13 Reasons Why. It's easy to hide, to, give in to the pain. Netflix's YA Spring Showcase: See photos of the streamer's brightest young stars, Love Never Dies: TV shows that brought back dead love interests, 13 Books to Read If You Love 13 Reasons Why. By hiding. JSSnippetsStack.push({dependencies:[{"url":"","type":"js"},{"url":"","type":"css"}],callback:function(json){WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init(json)},id:"WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init"}).
[2] He gets blackmailed by, unknown to him, Tyler Down and Cyrus, with a video they found of Marcus getting a lap dance at the Clubhouse. In the second season, their relationship falls apart after Marcus lies on the stand and claims Hannah was interested in Bryce. This self-centered attitude eventually leads to him getting suspended after calling Bryce a rapist, and he is not seen again, leaving it unknown if he learns anything from his mistakes. 13 REASONS WHY season 3 will be hitting Netflix towards the end of August with a trailer dropping recently.