Stop and admire the castle along this route (Annan Castle).

The upshot was that they volunteered to rid Annan of the dread monster and wreak their own revenge for their father’s death. The CCIS is the legal owner of all websites, and makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on these sites or by following any link provided. With a name probably derived from the Gaelic goddess of prosperity, Anu, it initially grew around a river port and a royal castle built by Robert the Bruce by the early 1300s. The CCIS will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or availability of any information. The CCIS will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or availability of any information. All content provided on our web pages is for family history use only. 2.5. ( copyright 2017 – 2020 CCIS), Disclaimer Ancient and Honorable Carruthers Clan International Society CCIS LLC is the officially licensed and registered Clan of the Carruthers Family. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. CLAN CARRUTHERS INT SOCIETY CCIS – THE STAND OF OUR LEGAC Y, CLAN CARRUTHERS INT SOCIETY CCIS – PROMPTUS ET FIDELIS – Since 1983. Robert Bruce believed his contracting leprosy was ‘the finger of God upon me’ and a … During his visit to the then castle-hamlet of Annan in 1138, the Irish Bishop of Armagh, Maolmhaodliog ua Morgair, named St Malachy O’More, was entertained at the Bruce’s castle (the last traces of which were removed in 1875). Annan Castle was built by King Willian The Lion, in the mid 1100’s, as one of his 13 castles he built along the rivers. This Clan is presently registered in the United States and Canada, and represents members worldwide. View all posts by ClanCarruthers. A letter by Thomas Randolph dated May 1565 confirms that Hoddom Castle along with Repentance Tower and Annan Castle were under construction at this time. Annan Castle was built by King Willian The Lion, in the mid 1100’s, as one of his 13 castles he built along the rivers. Rods. Create a free website or blog at Click here to hide this message. If you already have such an account, then log in now. Thereafter Annan was never affected by the plague again. Alas the plague raged, all spread, said the locals, by the undead visitation. Change the language to English and the country to United States. A motte and bailey castle was built in the 12th century by the de Brus family, Lords of Annandale. Coordinates: 54°59′19″N 3°15′51″W / 54.9886°N 3.2643°W / 54.9886; -3.2643, People of the American Civil War by state, Buildings and structures in Dumfries and Galloway, Demolished buildings and structures in Scotland, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,,, He let free a huge issue of blood which soaked their feet as they stood in the shallow grave. A flood in the mid-12th century changed the course of the River Annan, which caused the castle mound to be partially eroded.

A flood in the mid-12th century changed the course of the River Annan, which caused the castle mound to be partially eroded. One evening the Bruce’s were holding a banquet for the clergy visiting the burgh to drive out the plague with new prayers they had composed, when two brothers started a conversation concerning the death of their father in the plague.

The castle was built in the 12th century by the de Brus family, Lords of Annandale. The Bruce’s had given the man sanctuary, but Annan soon regretted the family’s generosity as the man continued the ‘wickedness’ that had led him to flee, but the man succumbed to the plague. Despite its location in Trailtrow, it acquired the name Hoddomstanes. The castle was abandoned as the main seat of the de Brus family, who moved to Lochmaben Castle. RouteYou

If you fancy a great cycling ride, this tour is certainly it! For your convenience, we may provide links to various outside parties that may be of interest to you. The content on CCIS is design to support your research in family history. Angered that Brus had lied to him, Malachy laid a curse on Brus, his family, and the little castle-hamlet. The ancient red-sandstone royal burgh of Annan, Carruthersland – named for the river on which it stands – was a stronghold of the Bruce’s and the home of Robert de Brus ‘The Competitor’, Lord of Annandale, grandfather of Robert I, The Bruce. You'll be riding along some villages, including Ruthwell. Change the language to English and the country to United States.

For your convenience, we may provide links to various outside parties that may be of interest to you. We do not sell, trade or transfer to outside parties any personal identifications.

» Cycling routes in Great Britain and Ireland