Here is a list of fruits that you should not eat during pregnancy: Pineapple ranks high on the list of fruits to avoid in the first trimester of pregnancy. Please read our Disclaimer. Avoid the bad ones, and stay healthy.

Pregnant women are strongly advised to avoid fresh juices for the simple reason that non-pasteurised juices can lead to digestion-related illnesses.
In a pan, melt butter and oil over medium heat. For example, a 2003 study in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" notes that phytochemicals and flavonoids act as anti-inflammatories and support cellular health. There is no scientific evidence which proves that pineapple is harmful during pregnancy. It is found in grapes with dark skin, such as black and red ones. Normally, it is perfectly okay to consume grapes each day. [Read: Nutritious Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy]. Place it on medium heat and keep stirring until the mixture turns thick. All rights reserved. Tamarind is extremely rich in Vitamin C, and that’s one of the main reasons for it to feature on the list of fruits to avoid during pregnancy. A lot of women suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy, and grapes can come in handy in such a situation. High Level of Resveratrol. One of the main reasons for dates to make it to the list of forbidden fruits during pregnancy is that they cause the body to heat up and may even lead to uterine contractions. During pregnancy, the digestive system of your body turns the week. But, eating grapes during pregnancy can also give you vital nutrients like vitamin A and C. So, you need to speak with your doctor before you come to any decision about eating grapes during pregnancy. Some fruits have even been known to affect the health of the foetus, while others can lead to a miscarriage. It could lead to diarrhea in women with a weak digestive system. Heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds or until they melt completely and turn smooth. 2. In this article, we will tell you about some fruits that you should avoid eating during pregnancy. Dates are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients, but pregnant women are often advised to avoid consuming dates. There are so many different kinds of grapes to choose from: red, black, and green. Grapes are safe to eat in pregnancy, including red, black and green grapes. It is a toxic compound (7) that may be dangerous for pregnant women whose hormones are imbalanced. In general, they are high in nutritional content -- vitamins and minerals -- compared to their caloric content, meaning that they help provide for your cellular needs and those of your developing baby. Also Read: Health Benefits of Eating Apples During Pregnancy. It is good to eat grapes as a whole. Awesome Ideas for a Winter Wonderland Baby Shower. It may also impair the development of the foetus, so it’s best avoided. While pregnant, some of the fruits that you can eat include apples, pomegranates, pears, mangoes, oranges, avocados, and guavas. Papayas mixed with honey and milk are also an excellent tonic for pregnant women, especially during lactation. Of course you can.
However, you should consume them in moderation. However, ripe papayas are excellent during pregnancy. Hence, the fresh fruits, including berries, are recommended to extract optimal nutrient and avoid any potential side-effect or toxins. Spread out the chopped peanuts on wax paper. They are also responsible for adversely affecting the development of the fetus. A better option would be consulting a doctor or a nutritionist before starting with any foods. Although the natural sugars present in grapes taste perfect, they might increase the blood sugar levels. Red grapes contain resveratrol compounds that may help control cholesterol during pregnancy. Freeze berries lead to loss of the original taste and natural nutrients. Their sour taste triggers heartburn. Diarrhea Eating too many grapes increases stomach heat. What Are Parasitic Twins and How Do They Develop? It is always a good idea to consume fresh fruits rather than opting for frozen berries. It is critical that food hygiene is given primal importance during pregnancy to avoid infections from toxoplasmosis.