The more nutritious a food, the more stars it will have. What is BLW, anyway? We are not liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damage arising from any Content found on, the blogs, emails, or in the publications.

Always seek the advice of your doctor or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Baby-Led Weaning (Baby Led Eating) is the no fuss, no mush way of weaning your baby on to solid food. Peel the tough skin from 1 medium-sized celery root (about the size of a softball) and rinse under cold water to wash away the dirt. Use a vegetable peeler to peel away any tough strings on the outside of the celery stalks, then use a sharp knife to chop the prepared stalks into fine half-moon pieces. Baby Led Weaning: une autre façon d’introduire la nourriture.
(They can be tossed in the freezer to be used for future smoothies for yourself.). Another advantage of baby-led weaning is that it allows babies to go at their own pace. Set aside. WordPress hosting by Jem, Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites. That’s the essence of Baby Led Weaning. Now, I have no idea if this is actually true or not but a good friend of mine is a nurse and she said that celery has a mild numbing effect on sore gums if served straight from the fridge. I love raw celery! You are responsible for supervising your child’s health care and for evaluating the appropriateness of the Content on for your child. You can offer it raw, just maybe pull the fibres off. Sauté the onion and celery in butter or the fat of your choice until they are soft and translucent, about 10 minutes.

Accessibility. Join our community to share the journey. This may be where the anaesthetic properties come in? Mine likes nomming on it raw...nice on sore gums. By using this website, you consent to this use of cookies. You use, the Content, the blogs, emails and publications at your own discretion and risk.

No. Use a fork or a potato masher to mash the celery root.

Reply. That we’re here…, FYI New Guidelines on Choking and Infant Resus.

Please Note: The opinions, advice, suggestions and information (“Content”) contained on are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional advice from or consultation with a medical or health professional, nutritionist, or expert in feeding and eating. Il s’agit d’offrir à l’enfant de la nourriture en petits morceaux pour qu’il puisse les tenir avec ses mains. Please browse the site, or come and join us on the very welcoming Baby Led Weaning … Drain and transfer to a large bowl. And what is it not..? Encourage self-feeding by pre-loading a spoon for your baby to pick up. Stroffling. Summary Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an alternative way to introduce your baby to their first foods. Allergies to celery are rare, though it may trigger reactions in people with Oral Allergy Syndrome, a food-related allergy also known as “food pollen syndrome” that causes reactions to foods with similar protein structures to pollen. Some may be ready to eat 3 meals a day from 6 months of age, some may still just be grazing by 10 months of age.

Cover with water and bring to a boil, then immediately turn down the heat to medium and gently simmer until the root is fully softened, about 20 minutes. Home; Getting Started; The Blog; Features; Recipes; Photos; Forum; Celery.