and this recipe is so yummy. I’m going to make some more. Just use the right type of bowls. This is a great gift to give to a family.

Lindt is good! Drop alternate spoonfuls of each chocolate mix into the prepared tin, then tap the tin to level the mixture. Melt the plain chocolate in a heat proof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, making sure the base of the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Heck, I even give out slabs to say thank you, on birthdays and other special occasions too. For your friends and other people such as work colleagues you can chop up a slab and place a few chunks in each presentation bag. Better you than your children, right? For those of you who are allergic to peanut butter, you can omit the stuff – the recipe works without it too. Transfer to one of your prepared baking sheets. Real cocoa and peanut butter…for breakfast? Dónde Comprar.

Chunky Chocolate Cheerios sold out week after week when I ran a stall at the local farm shop. No-Bake Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars Spinach For Breakfast. Menu. Your email address will not be published. Oh thanks for the update and instuctions. Want to use it in a meal plan? Tres gramos de fibra soluble a diario de alimentos de avena integral, como los cereales Chocolate Cheerios, en una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y colesterol, puede reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca.

Melt with caution. It’s up to you how much Cheerios you put it. All those trans fats from the peanut butter… its loaded with sugar, did you even think to use organic 70% chocolate? LOL. Meanwhile, little did I know what a hit it would on the internet – this post has been pinned on Pinterest boards over 3000 times! It’s best kept in the fridge until you fancy a nibble. Use a bread knife to slice through the thick chocolate. In small batches (about a tablespoon) drop Cheerios into melted chocolate. Toasted Coconut Cheerios. (I put a few lollies in the bathroom as treats for potty training. Cool recipe…could I use milk choco instead of plain? Your email address will not be published. dark chocolate, protein powder, cheerios, low-fat peanut butter and 1 more Cheerio Cereal Bars Midget Momma light brown sugar, kosher salt, honey, cheerios, vanilla extract and 3 more White & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chunks. Easter Peanut Butter Cheerio Cups Who Needs A Cape. Since I started making big quantities I’ve looked for alternatives.

Great idea and the photos are wonderful, especially the second one! Written words can easily be misinterpreted and hence misunderstood. Your kids will love the delicious flavour combination and you’ll love that every bite is packed with the whole grain goodness of Cheerios. Chill for 2-3 hours until firm. Avena integral, azúcar, almidón de maíz, salvado de avena, jarabe de maíz, cacao procesado con álcali, sal, colorante caramelo, aceite de canola, chocolate sin edulcorar, fosfato trisódico, saborizante natural. NEW Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios! Say the latter with a heavy nasal American accent – naaaaahsteeee. These sound tasty. Love this! Really cute picture of Gabriel! Also I love the picture with chocolate everywhere. Chop the chocolate into bite-sized pieces. Thank you for posting this beautiful recipe, I liked it so much I’ve included it in my Top funkiest Chocolate recipes on the Web >>

I used Waitrose’s continental belgian plain and white chocolate respectively. AND PEANUT BUTTER IS EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR YOU. Pues prepárate para agotar todas las existencias de leche del supermercado porque no podrás dejar de comer estos cereales. . So….keep it cool for best results! © 2020 General Mills. All photos found on Greedy Gourmet are available for licensing. Greedy Gourmet is an award winning food and travel blog.