Cranlana, Myer family garden, Toorak, Vic. Not the fact it was designed by local Arts and Crafts supremo Harold Desbrowe-Annear, nor it’s size (a sprawling one hectare), nor the lengthy period of time it has been in the charge of the one family. Peter Mares, Cranlana’s Lead Moderator and author of No Place Like Home: Repairing Australia’s Housing Crisis, visits four capital cities, to investigate what’s gone wrong with housing in Australia, and what we might do about it. Hardcover These twelve leaders from different sectors canvas themes of transparency, clear communication, innovation, collaboration and compassion. Architect Harold Desbrowe-Annear, designed the formal, sunken garden in the Italianate style. How can leaders dealing with the COVID crisis lay the foundations for success in a post-COVID world? Antony Giblin, Manager Client Relations, Caroline Gibson, Director Client Relations, How COVID-19 Is Creating New Ethical Dilemmas For Business Leaders, Inside The Search For A Melbourne Home Fit For A Prime Minister, It’s time for the feds to rebuild the economy by building social housing, Housing for all makes “good business sense”, Research Shows Countries With Female Leaders Have Far Fewer COVID Deaths, 2020 Lowitja Institute Cranlana Award winner -Professor Roianne West, How To Handle An Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace, Anchoring values, fostering your ethical DNA, and the pub test, Female Leaders Praised For Their Handling Of The Coronavirus Crisis. The year 1920 was to be a momentous one for Sidney: in January he married Margery Merlyn Baillieu and by November he had registered interest in a Toorak residence, Torrie, eventually to be renamed Cranlana, at 62 Clendon Road. Wisteria in flower; 10. She’s also the recipient of the 2020 Chief Executive Women Vincent Fairfax Fellowship scholarship.

Proudly created with, Cranlana, Myer family garden, Toorak, Vic  by Helen Young, Lifestyle Columnist -. Shelmerdine describes herself as “just one link in the chain”. Not only does the sunken garden bear all the hallmarks of the late-19th-century English garden design that inspired it, but every aspect of these grounds is – in keeping with Arts and Crafts principles – strongly connected with the house. Cranlana is hidden behind grand wrought iron gates on one of the largest residential blocks in Toorak. They include pieces authored by our alumni, CEO Vanessa Pigrum and Lead Moderator Peter Mares, and curated content on leadership and ethics drawn from a range of sources. Michael is currently editing the letters of his late stepfather, George Lascelles, the Seventh Earl of Harewood. Sidney and Merlyn’s youngest child Lady Marigold Southey, now aged 91, lives nearby and walks around the garden “most days”. Create a wish list to save items you like, gift ideas and more. Not the fact it was designed by local Arts and Crafts supremo Harold Desbrowe-Annear, … She propagates some of the plants herself and, every autumn, lifts the garden’s 100-odd dahlia tubers to stop them rotting over winter. The decorative wrought iron gates incorporating the Myer shield were hand wrought by Caslake's, Melbourne's premier iron founders of the period.