Fake reviews—seemingly legitimate reviews created by the seller or someone paid by them—are becoming harder to spot. Sites like eBay and Facebook Marketplace allow you to report sellers, but there are currently no ways to flag a review as fake. If you’ve followed a link from another site for an extension or theme, that item is no longer available. Just copy the URL of the page in question and paste it onto the Fakespot website and it will investigate the link. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License v3.0 or any later version. English (Englisch) Français (Französisch) 繁體中文 (Traditionelles Chinesisch) Indonesia (Indonesisch) Italiano (Italienisch) polski (Polnisch) Português (Portugiesisch, Brasilien) Русский (Russisch) Español (Spanisch). The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not necessarily indicate any affiliation or the endorsement of PCMag. Though Amazon and other e-commerce sites have been hesitant to wade into these reviews, others have rushed in to do the work for them. Only the adblock icon shows in my toolbar. Created by researchers at Cornell University. Fakespot’s algorithm looks at both review and reviewer, analyzing language, previous reviews, and purchase history to determine trustworthiness. It's important to understand how to tell a bogus review from the real thing. También puedes probar a buscar entre las extensiones o temas ya disponibles o pidiendo ayuda en los foros de la comunidad. The profile of Fakespot, Firefox extension author. We now make more and more of our purchases online, so if you're not careful, fake reviews can end up costing you serious money. Extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari allow online shoppers to analyze a webpage with the push of a button. Just click on the review's Recommended/Not Recommended banner to view the full review. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Licence v3.0 or any later version. PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Steam, on the other hand, allows you to write a message. If so, you can click "Set as default profile" and then exit/restart Firefox to try that on. The developer removed it. Another tool, called ReviewMeta, works pretty much the same way as FakeSpot, but it simplifies the grading process as an Amazon-only analyzer. It also filters out reviews considered fake in order to create a more reliable product rating. Amazon added a Verified Purchase label that accompanies legitimate reviews to combat fake reviews. The second product (which was an improved version of the first product) had 4.5 stars and fakespot gave it an F. The only thing they seem to base their analysis on is how many bad reviews it gets - the more negative reviews an item gets, the higher they rank it. There are Chrome and Firefox extensions that make the process easier. Developers commonly do this because they no longer support the extension or theme, or have replaced it. Sehen Sie bitte in Ihrem Posteingang oder Ihrem Spam-Filter nach einer E-Mail von uns. Alternatively, you may be able to find what you’re looking for in one of the available extensions or themes, or by asking for help on our community forums. Are there others on the page? Paste the URL into the site and The Review Index breaks the product out into different categories based directly on the words it parsed from reviews. I've tried disabling/enabling all the addons, nothing changed. He is a Mac owner, Android user, dark mode advocate, and tech bargain hunter. By default only Fakespot.com is used, if you want to use ReviewMeta.com or both go to the options page. This tool offers the unique ability to the tweak ReviewMeta's algorithm. The developer removed it.