The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong 工程及科技學會香港分會 You can change the voter address, functional constituency or other registration information. The paper suggested that the Legislative Council to create 24 seats with 12 seats from different professional interest groups. Becoming a member of a professional body and then an IT voter may be cumbersome, but DON’T GIVE UP! According to section 19 of the Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration) (Electors for Legislative Council Functional Constituencies) (Voters for Election Committee Subsectors) (Members of Election Committee) Regulation (Cap. For details, please refer to the application guideline。, You can change the voter address, functional constituency or other registration information. Change voter registration information. WAIVER OF LIABILITY: In no event shall WE be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or punitive damages incurred by you and arising out of the use of this program, whether or not such loss or damage is based in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability, indemnity, or otherwise, even if WE have advised you of the possibility of such damages. Please ensure that you are a fully paid up for 2012 as soon as possible. For details, please visit the GNU General Public License website:, Report on Change of Particulars by an Elector in a Geographical Constituency, Report on Change of Particulars by an Individual in a Functional Constituency. 入會資格:持計算機科學或相關學位 (CS, CE, EE 或 ICT 有關學位), IEEE + IEEE Computer Society = USD143 + USD53 = USD196, IEEE + IEEE Circuits and Systems Society = USD143 + USD18 = USD161, IEEE + IEEE Communications Society = USD143 + USD25 = USD168, 以 ACM 成為 IT 界選民,首先申請成為 ACM 專業會員:, 然後再登記成為香港分會的專業會員:, 會員年費:ACM 專業會員(USD99)加 ACM 香港分會專業會員(HK$200), 注意: 如未更新 2012 年會藉,會員將會在六月的選民登記冊中被刪除。請盡快進行 2012 年會藉更新。 新登記的會員需要大約九個月時間進行資格審核,所以新申請會員將不能趕及在九月的立法會選舉投票。, 入會資格及申請方法:, 入會資格及申請方法: These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. This tool directly generates an image of the voter registration form on your device. Please note that you must provide your proof of your address to complete the process of changing your voter registration address. An elector of a functional constituency is entitled to subscribe any number of nomination forms up to the number of Members to be returned by that functional constituency to the Legislative Council. 3) IEEE 會員及 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society 會員; 1.