Once your denture is fitted, it may feel strange at first, but this is normal and over time your mouth, tongue and facial muscles may get used to it. While they may not be a permanent replacement for lost or missing teeth, immediate dentures certainly have their benefits. So you've decided to get dentures to improve your appearance.

What to Expect When Getting Immediate Dentures. During this time, the healing process has been completed.

After the first follow-up visit with your denturist, aftercare for immediate dentures is similar to any other type of removable denture.

! If you decide to get fitted with an immediate denture after your teeth have been removed, your dentist will be able to give advice on this. Deciding to get dentures is the beginning of your journey toward a more confident life. If you smoke, do not smoke during the time after the teeth are pulled, do not use a straw, etc.

First and foremost, impressions of your natural teeth need to be taken, after which a try-in denture may be fabricated to get a better idea of what your immediate and complete dentures will eventually look like. Fitting regular dentures too soon may result in wearing problems caused by the gums and jaw bone regeneration, following surgical removal of natural teeth. All rights reserved.

Teeth are one of the most important features of the face. Leaving your dentures in place helps control swelling and your mouth to heal, and you should expect to have them in for the next 24 – 48 hours.

Getting Dentures: What to Expect? Making Your Dentures Your dentist and the dental laboratory will model your dentures from an impression of your mouth and work with you to choose your tooth shape, size, and color. Your denturist will also make any necessary adjustments to your dentures to make them more comfortable and to help control or prevent any sore spots. Your dentist can advise you on products – such as denture adhesives and cleansers – that will have you feeling a lot more confident while wearing your dentures.

Web Design By Representation Media. As with anything, the cost for immediate dentures varies from person to person.

Immediate dentures are not easy, but so worth it in the long run!! You’ll need to remove your dentures at night and soak them in a cleaning solution to allow your gums time to properly breathe and heal. All rights reserved. Experiencing Your First Fitting Once your dentures are made, your dentist will have you try them on and wear them until your next visit, at which point any adjustments can be made. At Main Street Dental we offer free second opinions. © 2019 GSK group of companies or its licensor. Deciding between immediate dentures vs permanent dentures can leave you with many questions.

Wearing dentures for the first time is the first step towards a better life. Enter your email address and get the latest articles and advice to keep you and your inbox Smilefull.

It takes patience to adjust to dentures, but it is worth it to get both your confidence and smile back.

You can always keep the immediate denture as a spare in case new dentures are made for you. Preparing Your Mouth Your dentist may have to extract some teeth and give you temporary dentures. The entire process usually takes place over a few weeks and involves several trips to your dentist and/or denturist. Denture pain - remedies for your sore gums, Dentures then and now: A brief history of dentures.

Any discomfort you feel should subside after the first couple weeks. For more information on our use of cookies, please review our cookie policy. Millions of people wear dentures, helping them to eat, speak and smile with confidence every day. An impression is taken prior to the extraction, sent to the lab and constructed according to the patient’s cast of natural teeth.