Johann Gutenberg invented the idea of a printer which applied the concept of the movable type, a revolutionary modification. The jury is still out on hybrid cars, trains, and vehicles in general but only time will tell if this is one of the greatest inventions of our century or just another overhyped idea that failed to deliver. Well, that’s certainly no longer the case in the twenty-first century. Coca-Cola contained trace amounts of cocaine until 1929. Coca-Cola contained trace amounts of cocaine until 1929.

List25® is a registered trademark. In 1834, Walter Hunt invented double-thread shuttle equipment. If you’re the nostalgic type who misses the real-life parties that took place in the ‘80s and ‘90s then you are going to hate Facebook for keeping people in their rooms in front of their computers. No chemicals, no additives, just natural river water. Before the invention of a coffee pot, coffee lovers had to chew the coffee since the drink would be full of grounds.
} Thomas Edison built the first electric typewriter in 1872. Which came first: laser or fluorescent light? Typewriters are electromechanical or mechanical machines that produce characters by pressing ink upon paper. Middlebrook also developed a paperclip-creating machine as early as April 27, 1899.

See how these 25 spectacular inventions of the 21st century is helping to re-define humanity. They only last for a moment and they will definitely help anyone who’s trying to impress others with his or her surrealistic photos, but we can’t really see what other use or contribution to society this bizarre invention could have. They have been around for a couple of years, are medically cleared, and are considered perfectly safe, effective, and convenient, and all you need is a doctor’s prescription and a few bucks to get some. Don’t get too excited, though, because it will cost you a small fortune to make it yours on top of the fact that Google announced it is stopping sales. To make a long story short, the MP3 was introduced to the world and CDs, which had previously replaced cassettes, which replaced vinyl records before them, joined them in the dusty archives of our music tech history. In 1833 Carl Gauss used induction pulses to send seven letters per minute, and this earned him some funding which enabled him to construct a telegraph network along the German railroad in 1835. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. 25 Spectacular Inventions Of The 21st Century. Over 50 designs were copyrighted before 1899, none of them resembling the current paper clip design.
The breakthrough significantly extends our understanding of memory and expands the horizons of psychiatry against mental conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among others. A paperclip might be a simple device, but for centuries people used straight strings and pins as fasteners, which damaged documents. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program A telephone is a system that converts a voice into an electric impulse of varying frequency and then back to its original form.

Inventions of the World - Who Invented the Toaster? By the 1900s various chefs discovered Jell-O and introduced it to the market. Technology has helped shape the world into what it is today, and these prominent discoveries of the 19th century had a substantial impact on the world as we know it. Dr. David Alter was actually the first to develop the electric telegraph, not Morse, but Alter did not manage to establish a practical system. With the help of Frank Robinson, Dr. Pemberton coined the trademark "Coca-Cola" which refers to the two main "medicinal" ingredients in the original recipe: coca leaves, which is what is used to make cocaine, and kola nuts. Ever since the beginning of time, human beings have been building tools and processes which helped them tame their environment. Adam patented the gum-making process on February 14, 1871. It is expected to be completed in 2016 and most architects around the world are hailing it as an architectural miracle that will open new horizons in the worlds of architecture and engineering. The Segway PT was supposed to be the biggest innovation of the 21st century with the venture capitalist, John Doer even claiming that it would become bigger than the internet. George Wheeler patented an Escalator on April 18, 1899, and then sold it to Seeberger who registered the trademark "Escalator." Google Glass is smart eyewear that helps you get exactly what you want right in front of your eyes, literally. Gray invented the first electromagnetic receiver in 1874 but did not perfect the design of a working diaphragm until Bell managed to create the first working telephone. In 2001, before Apple and Samsung started bombing the world with their superb smartphone devices of the last five or six years there was the iPod, a small gadget that changed how we viewed and played music. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

The Fardier was much slower than a horse-driven vehicle, and therefore was never reproduced.