Back rolls – start these sitting on the top of the cheese, facing away. Handstand-forward rolls – practice handstand rolls by kicking up into a handstand just before the mat, tuck and roll down the mat. It can also slide a bit considering it weighs less, so make sure to put something under it or put it against a wall. Spot on the Floor - the last step for independent back handsprings is a spotted back handspring on the floor. Even I can use the medium size – mainly for back bending or rolls. The picture is of my eight year old jumping off the block. In other words, if you click on a link and buy a product I may earn a commission from it at no cost to you.

The number one goal of a spotter is to eliminate the risk of a catastrophic injury, such as a landing on head or neck. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. It’s much higher than our mini-trampoline can get jumps! Each part of the back handspring should be taught independently first. This is a 3D octagon shaped mat that tumblers will practice a back handspring over until they are able to do it without the octagon as a crutch. If your trampoline permits, add a round-off prior to the no-hand back handspring to create more momentum. Do another back handspring without hands, and add a half-twist when your body becomes vertical midway. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. What Can You Do With a Gymnastics Cheese Mat, overview of three types of gymnastics mats, 5 Easy Warm-Up Exercises For Gymnastics Training. The best part is, it’s not just for gymnastics! To use the wedge mat for back bending I advise you move it so the top is against a wall or it is on a non-slipping surface. Use the block to jump down to the ground. They are very large for home use and tall so that you would need very high ceilings or only use them outdoors. When learning how to spot a back handspring, practice by watching and co-spotting with an experienced coach. Read my quick overview of three types of gymnastics mats to decide which (if any) is best for you. It also makes a good table as my kids demonstrated below! Hand and arm placement will depend on the level of the athlete as well as body type, overall strength, and the spotter's needs. Mini Tramp Back Handspring - have athlete stand on mini tramp and back handspring onto an 8 inch mat behind the mini tramp; Wedge in Pit - have athlete stand on a wedge mat in a foam pit, athlete does a back handspring down the wedge and lands with feet in the pit; Rolling is the obvious thing to do when on an incline. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Block to Wedge with spot - have athlete stand on block, coach stands in space between block and wedge, athlete jumps backward over trench and spotter assists athlete to hands on wedge, then snaps down to feet, Wedge Back Handspring - have athlete stand on wedge, coach kneels on wedge to assist athlete through a jumping back handspring, Handstand Snap Up - kick to handstand on block, snap hips from stretched handstand to hollow landing with chest up and rebounding out, Mini Tramp Back Handspring - have athlete stand on mini tramp and back handspring onto an 8 inch mat behind the mini tramp, Wedge in Pit - have athlete stand on a wedge mat in a foam pit, athlete does a back handspring down the wedge and lands with feet in the pit.