When Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the immigration courts faced a record backlog of over 542,000 cases.This month, the immigration court backlog hit a new historic high with over 1,000,000 cases. Finally some news coming out of our pandemic: The Philadelphia Tribune reports that as bars and restaurants closed and stay-at-home orders were put into place earlier in 2020 to help fight…, Who run the world? The most anticipated case of the term, Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California, which concerned the Trump administration’s attempted rescission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals … This month, the immigration court backlog hit a new historic high with over 1,000,000 cases. The “Implementation and Action Toward Net Zero” report provides further details on the company’s comprehensive strategy to decarbonize the Southern Company system and…, Originally posted on Abbott.com – CE Mark for MitraClip G4 offers physicians an innovative next-generation system with more options for mitral valve repair using proven clip-based technology – MitraClip is a first-of-its-kind transcatheter mitral valve therapy, now on its fourth generation, improving further on MitraClip’s history as a safe and…. The Trump administration’s elimination of enforcement priorities has also increased the immigration court backlog. Over the past two years, the Trump administration has taken a series of measures it claimed would slow the growth of the immigration court backlog. The date was created last year following the great increase of adults with children and unaccompanied minors who crossed the border.

Between 2013 and 2018, nearly 86% of those considered for layoffs within the organization were older employees over the age of 40. Not exactly news, but in January 2019 the Law Commission published its long-awaited consultation on the simplification of the Immigration Rules. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, The National Park Service Warns Border Wall Construction Could Destroy 22 Archaeological Sites, Deporting Immigrants Does Not Lower Crime, According to Study, argued that the quota would lead to “assembly line justice.”, eliminated a process known as “administrative closure, also prevented judges from terminating cases, ICE has arrested more undocumented immigrants with no criminal records. Most peculiar was that the federal office in charge of scheduling immigration court dates issued the same date for each hearing: Nov. 29, 2019. Posted by Aaron Reichlin-Melnick | Sep 24, 2019 | Immigration Courts. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The judgment added: “His decision on that question will be reviewable as a matter of fact, whether in the context of a ‘human rights appeal’ or, where no such appeal is available, in judicial review proceedings.”.