The new Instagram logo has a pleasing palette of reds, oranges, yellows, blues and violets. The Instagram hex colors are confirmed by the SVG logo on Instagram’s website. The most prominent colors of the logo have been extracted using image-analysis tools. I just wanted to let you know, we added the hex codes for Spotify, as well as the RGB values and accent colors. Thanks for the list. Hi!

Some of these brands I updated recently, but today I went through and checked all the brands listed here. This is very useful. Everything you see here now should be current with the current brand guidelines put out by the company and consistent with their own usage of those colors. The background on profiles and most pages is #fafafa; there’s a light gray behind the images that is #efefef.
Here are the Hex and RGB colors of the new Instagram logo. We try to keep the HEX and RGB codes updated anytime there’s a brand update at one of the social media companies. Instead of just earning likes on random images, you’ll capture the exact audience that you want for your channel. Each entry has the main HEX and RGB value for each social media platform, plus secondary and accent colors listed underneath. Use this Instagram brand color scheme for digital or print projects that need to use specific color values to match their company color palette. I’ll be adding the Alexa colors today. Find the rest of your favorite. Have a great holiday .

I added Glassdoor to the list.

The social sharing banner is by Social Warfare. Brand Gradients' rendition of Instagram's HEX colors creates a beautiful gradient and gives you an idea of how the Instagram logo meshes with their CSS color gradient background of #405de6, #5851db, #833ab4, #c13584, #e1306c, & #fd1d1d. Can you please post the light grayish color code that’s the Instagram profile background behind and in-between posts and also it is in the search box? Hi. Thanks for creating this resource John . Use our quick links to jump to the bottom of the page. All Rights Reserved.,, royal blue, blue, purple, dark pink, purple-red, red, dark orange, orange, yellow and light yellow. The Steam colors represented on Brand Colors seemed to be off, so we took the main colors from the Steam site and their published material as our guide. CMYK: 78 67 0 0.

This design is open … For your other question, the information on the main content of the page always takes precedent over colors that get shipped in helper plugins. Hi, just wondering why the social sharing banner at the bottom of your site with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, does not use the colors you have listed in this blog post?