The Gatling gun was developed by Richard Jordan Gatling in order to allow fewer soldiers to go to the battlefield and to fight the battles that normally will require an army. The hydrogen bomb is a weapon of mass destruction that has the capability of doing damage of cataclysmic proportions. Hopefully the treat will be enough to keep the major powers in line (deranged terrorist are another matter though). djalabajoe.

Comments. Ecstasy . The Automobile: Allows the spreading of suburbia in to the wilderness thus destroying biodiversity and contributing to environmental degradation, deforestation, and the paving of millions of acres of arable land, AND the automobile kills or maims millions of human beings every year. The rockets were conceptualized and developed primarily to realize the lifelong dream of man to explore the vast outer space.

All of the inventors were honest scientists who were trying to improve the world, but unfortunately ended up doing quite the opposite. The curiosity of Sir Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant in determining if a hydrogen nucleus can be made to react with another hydrogen nucleus, paved the way for the development of the hydrogen bomb. Who knew that something that went so drastically wrong, would one day be something that the whole world would drink? Unfortunately, these top 10 great inventions that have gone bad is a painful proof about the frailties of man and how he can bring harm and catastrophe to himself and to others. Inventions that were the worst for the world, for the most part, are all things created with good intentions that have changed the world for eternity. It is considered as one of the four top illegal drugs that are responsible for numerous deaths every year. This advancement led to the immediate production of chlorofluorocarbons, the “anti-atmosphere” molecule that threatens to wipe oxygen off the face of the Earth. It was during the era of the Rave culture that it became the drug of choice. I feel sorry for most of these inventors. The only place fusion takes place within 100,000,000 miles of Earth is in the Sun. I agree – nuclear fusion is bad for humans same way as invention of knife. Of course it can be used to kill people, like every frigging thing in the galaxy, but it’s also the future of energetics, an infinite source of energy, and if other source’s would expire, guess what…we can make some with nuclear fusion, because that’s the way they come to existence in the first frigging place!

Leaded petrol is now blamed for multiple health problems and deaths due to lead poisoning. NOT by XTC itself, but as a lack of drinking sufficiently and dancing continuesly. This list is in no particular … Thomas Midgley, originally a mechanical engineer, developed the gasoline additive tetra-ethyl lead. . The List is good, but Nuclear Fusion? Nobel Prize winner Fritz Haber is the Jewish scientist who was responsible for the development of the affordable nitrogen fertilizer and was the brains behind the chemical weapons that were used by the Germans during World War I. Zyklon B, which was originally used as a fumigant, was the main substance used in gas chambers that killed millions of Jews during World War II. At the time, his discovery was readily applauded. . Ecstasy was developed by Anton Kollisch when it was extracted as by-product of a drug that he was researching on to control abnormal bleeding. Ecstasy was developed by Anton Kollisch when it was extracted as by-product of a drug that he was researching on to control abnormal bleeding. It was only during 1902 when the enormous power of the TNT was recognized and became the main cause of major deaths during both World War I and World War II. It’s a common mistake that XTC kills people, far the most deads are from dehydration and overheating. © 2014-2020, All Rights Reserved. They had good intentions but man has a tendency to use anything to kill or harm each other. It never gained serious attention until it started to become a favorite drug of dance clubs habitués. 1. Trinitrotoluene or TNT was discovered by Joseph Wilbrand in 1863 and was primarily used as a dye. These are not just products nobody needs, these are inventions that made the world a worse place to live. This article takes us to the list of several great inventions that could have redefined human history in a more positive way.