Like the CKA, passing this exam is all about efficiency and time management, and exercises can help you reinforce what you’ve learned, giving you the speed and confidence you need. Our network of Kubernetes Training Partners provide training services for Kubernetes and cloud native projects. This method allows container-based applications to be deployed easily and consistently whatever is the target environment. “Sure, it’s a lot of work, but it really pays off in both your day-to-day efforts as well as future job opportunities,” he says. Benefits of the Software Conformance (Certified Kubernetes) program: The certification process includes 4 simple steps: The KCSP or Kubernetes Certified Service Provider program is meant to benefit enterprises for getting the necessary support for rolling out new applications efficiently and quickly. So, for a rewarding future and career, learning Kubernetes is, of course, nothing less than an appealing option. Security 12% A Kubernetes Certification can take your career to a whole new level. This post will focus mainly on the first two certifications. information is subject to The Linux Foundation’s Privacy Policy. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is committed to growing the community of Kubernetes Administrators, thereby allowing continued growth across the broad set of companies and organizations that are using Kubernetes. Never learned Linux? Best Selling Instructor| Author of Top 3% of Udemy's courses, Design and Deploy applications on Kubernetes Cluster, Secure Kubernetes cluster with Secrets and Network Policies, Configure Readiness and Liveness Probes in a cluster, Troubleshoot Applications Deployed using Logs, Upgrade and Rollback Applications deployed on Kubernetes, Certification Tip: Formatting Output with kubectl, Solution - Imperative Commands (optional), Pre-Requisite - Commands and Arguments in Docker, A quick note on editing PODs and Deployments, Solution - Commands and Arguments (Optional), Note on default resource requirements and limits, Solution - Taints and Tolerations (Optional), Solution - Multi-Container Pods (Optional), Practice Test - Readiness and Liveness Probes, Practice Test - Labels, Selectors and Annotations, Solution - Labels and Selectors (optional), Rolling Updates & Rollbacks in Deployments, Practice Test - Rolling Updates & Rollbacks, Solution - Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claims (Optional), A gentle reminder on updating your reviews, Linux VMs to follow along (This is optional as labs are provided with course), AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate, Those looking to get Certified on Kubernetes. The purpose of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program is to demonstrate that every CKA has the required skills and knowledge to fulfil the responsibilities as Kubernetes administrators. Second time, I found this course on official page k8s and did practice all the labs.