After two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were ambushed and wounded in a shooting, a video surfaces of anti-police BLM supporters bragging about how they're going to the hospital to taunt the wounded officers in the ICU (warning: embeded video below contains unedited curse words and foul language. Chris Whipple, a writer and documentary filmmaker, is the author of the acclaimed New York Times best-seller, The Gatekeepers: How the White House chiefs of staff define every presidency. The film showcases hypocrisy, financial corruption, media bias, classroom indoctrination, and political correctness. It is presented in English. A caller shares his joy at learning how to shoot a gun and how positive the community is, topics include stories of the day and the latest numbers on Covid-19 and opening up the state. Radio Swiss Jazz. New interface. Stazioni Top. 7am hour -- Big Announcement: your chance to join KVI's first-ever virtual event--a political town hall, the KVI virtual event will cover the governor's race + Trump/Biden and other local elections, a Carlson prediction for January if Biden wins election, the prediction is connected to Trump's speech yesterday on Constitution Day, Trump addresses the left wing (and even public school) efforts to foster an 'America is evil' attitude for young people. Red Eye Radio is the pre-eminent syndicated overnight radio show hosted by radio vets Gary McNamara and Eric Harley airing Monday through Friday, Midnight to 5am Central. 6am -- Democrats now focused on only one of Trump's two most likely SCOTUS nominees, the book/TV show "The Handmaids Tale" is now being invoked over Trump's SCOTUS nomination,Gov. Topics this hour include the election, the rioters, police defunding efforts, listener phone calls and questions and ordinary Americans who protest themselves, their families, businesses and property by using their 2nd Amendment rights. RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono. Enjoy now KDKR Radio 91.3 FM the best Christian radio station. Best of The Markley, van Camp and Robbins Show, Christopher will take you on a journey through the world of libations, wines and cuisine from Absinthe to Zinfandel and all points in between. Januar 2017. 8am hour -- GUEST: KOMO's Matt Markovich has interviewed and covered the criminal actions and street life of Travis Berge for 2 years, Markovich says Berge was obsessed with meth and combat fighting, Markovich spoke with Berge one week ago, Berge took a badge of honor that he would avoid serious court punishment in Seattle, the disturbing confession Berge made to Markovich during an encounter at Cal Anderson Park last week, some real solutions to help drug addicts who violently break the law. Um Radio anzuhören, stehen dir bei phonostar zwei Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Entweder hörst du mit dem Online-Player direkt in deinem Browser, oder du nutzt den phonostar-Player. Auf Mittelwelle 570 kHz strahlt KVI ein konservatives Talkradio Format für den Großraum Seattle aus. März 2017. Lots of people are stepping forward to contribute to legal defense of 17 yr old charged with murder during a street protest in Kenosha WI last month, that 17 yr old--Kyle Rittenhouse--has received $2 million in contributions for his legal defense, how video recordings will bolster Rittenhouse's defense case, meanwhile the Kenosha Co. Sheriff is making an endorsement for President, and next door in Minnesota the regrets are piling up over a plan to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Dept. Jetzt online entdecken. Want to know how classless and low the Left is about the nominee? KVI sendet von einem Sendeturm in Vashon Island. Join Dr. Michael Savage, host of The Savage Nation® Radio show, National Radio Hall of Fame Inductee, and New York Times Bestselling Author for a bold perspective on American ideals, the truth about liberalism and national security, and what is really... Sean Hannity is a multimedia superstar, spending four hours a day every day reaching out to millions of Americans on radio, television and the Internet. Holt just published “Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in America.