0000015073 00000 n 39 people who died in the back of a lorry in Essex, LABCON: The Transmogrification of the Labour Party, As globalisation fractures, the West must champion internationalism in the face of China, UK spending on coronavirus consultants tops £100m, Claudia Webbe: Leicester East MP charged with harassment, We Applaud the 19 Rebels on the Overseas Operations Bill. Overall, the MSA represents a step in the right direction – but ongoing egregious labour practices illustrate a real need to rethink enforcement, effectiveness and funding. She says she has been contacted by anonymous workers who are too scared to speak out publicly because many are in the country illegally. The communities secretary, Robert Jenrick, has also launched an investigation into the matter, which could see the government taking over control of Leicester’s city council, which has been accused of being negligent in addressing slave labour in the fashion industry. The legal challenge to the Government's decision to allow at-home DIY abortions during the Coronavirus pandemic will now be appealed to the UK Supreme Court. The fast-fashion retailer has lost more than a third of its market value since a Sunday Times investigation exposed longstanding concerns about textile workers in Leicester being paid less than the minimum wage. While police across the north of England and the Midlands had previously denied that race played any role in permitting the gangs to operate, a report from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) found that a local chief inspector told the father of a missing girl that the city “would erupt” if it was revealed that South Asian grooming gangs were sexually targeting young white girls. With a dedicated team and the commitment from our generous supporters giving small regular donations each month, more if they can afford it, we're winning. 0000005450 00000 n A number of sectors seem to attract slave labour. This is made worse for those who do not speak English, and therefore do not “understand their rights” while also making it difficult to “raise concerns with those charged to protect them”. “slavery is not modern, but is unfortunately still with us and uncomfortably close to home.”. Over the past week seven separate government agencies visited nine premises in Leicester, prompted by allegations about illegal work practices that Boohoo and Priti Patel, home secretary, have described as “appalling”. The Labour MP said she had been told that some machinists are being paid £3 an hour, packers just £2. According to a report released just last month by Justice and Care, there are at least 100,000 men, women and children in slavery in the UK who are being failed by the support system at present. “The great fear is that if we’re outside these factories, anybody seen talking to us could be victimised,” he said. 0000008677 00000 n It is estimated that there are approximately 1,500 textile factories across Leicester.

UK authorities have found no evidence of modern slavery offences in the first round of inspections on Boohoo subcontractors in Leicester, underlining the challenge of tackling allegations about the city’s illegal garment factories. Its latest report, Parallel societies: slavery, exploitation and criminal subculture in Leicester, looks into the particular problems of the fast fashion industry in the East Midlands city. 0000005355 00000 n | “There is no better way to support workers on a sustainable basis than a union,” she said.

We're ambitious, but we can only continue to make positive change and shape our country if more of our supporters join us on this journey. How the free movement of capital across the EU led to... Former BBC Newsnight and Panorama journalist claims the BBC are making... Brexit: MPs approve UK Internal Market Bill. 0000003100 00000 n Fundraising complaints, CARE is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (No 3481417). The online fashion giant Boohoo is reeling after facing ‘modern slavery’ accusations suggesting that staff at one of its factories in Leicester were paid as little as £3.50 an hour. In addition, the MSA requires businesses with operations in the UK and annual turnovers of more than £36 million to prepare and publish a yearly slavery and human trafficking statement, outlining how they will recognise and address modern slavery issues in their business and their supply chains. The Covid-19 pandemic recently shone a light on the exploitation of migrant workers in the fast fashion industry in Leicester East. The next generation search tool for finding the right lawyer for you. Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe said that she had been contacted by many workers who are too frightened to come out publicly because they are in the country illegally. Thousands working in slave-like conditions in Leicester As many as 10,000 people could be working in slave-like conditions in textile factories in Leicester.