pettiness definition: Noun (countable and uncountable, plural pettinesses) 1. Another way to use the noun pettiness is to describe the quality of a person that's also called "small-mindedness." • PETTINESS (noun) The noun PETTINESS has 3 senses:. Whether you're a student, an educator, or a lifelong learner, can put you The pettiness of an airplane passenger's complaint that there’s a smudge on the window is likely to cause the flight attendants to … The pettiness of an airplane passenger's complaint that there’s a smudge on the window is likely to cause the flight attendants to pay no attention to it.

It is not something to take lightly. pettiness (countable and uncountable, plural pettinesses) The quality of being petty . on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina: If you're tired of the sound bites, the vitriol, the pettiness, the egos, the corruption; if you believe that it's time to declare the end of identity politics; if you believe that it's time to declare the end of lowered expectations; if you believe that it's time for citizens to stand up to the political class and say enough, then join us. Mean pettiness has overtaken our politics.
"pettiness." What is the definition of pettiness? Today we seem to be at each other's throat. • PETTINESS (noun) The pettiness of the accounting department asking me to save a receipt from a … Web. It’s disappointing that Senator Schumer and Leader Pelosi are refusing to come to the table and discuss urgent issues, the president’s invitation to the Democrat leaders still stands and he encourages them to put aside their pettiness, stop the political grandstanding, show up and get to work. 30 Sep. 2020. We can talk to one another -- if you notice, I get criticized for saying anything nice about a Republican, folks, this isn't who we are, this isn't how we got here. tie n. Cattiness - definition of cattiness by The Free Dictionary . We have to remember what it is that makes this nation so special. Information and translations of pettiness in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous, the quality of not being important or worthy of note, an inclination to criticize opposing opinions or shocking behavior. 2. What is the meaning of pettiness? Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! How do you use pettiness in a sentence?

Meaning of pettiness. Dictionary entry overview: What does pettiness mean? pettiness definition in English dictionary, pettiness meaning, synonyms, see also 'prettiness',pettishness',pottiness',pettitoes'. What are synonyms for pettiness? What does pettiness mean? . Get unrestricted access to all the English-Learning Units! the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous. STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Petty comes from the French word for "small," petit. Thanks for your vote! Dictionary entry overview: What does pettiness mean? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. AudioEnglish Definitions... Just One Click Away! This is a high and holy calling. Double-click any word on the page to look it up in the dictionary. These issues are too important. 1. narrowness of mind or ideas or views 2. the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous 3. lack of generosity in trifling matters Familiarity information: PETTINESS used as a noun is uncommon. Sometimes it seems like we can't govern ourselves. See more. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "pettiness"): joke (a triviality not to be taken seriously), closeness; meanness; minginess; niggardliness; niggardness; parsimoniousness; parsimony; tightfistedness; tightness (extreme stinginess), petty ((informal) small and of little importance). Sign up. A friend's pettiness can be hard to live with, since she focuses on trivial matters and has a tendency to seek revenge for the slightest offenses.