Labour has sacked three junior shadow ministers who joined with Jeremy Corbyn and 14 other Socialist Campaign group MPs in breaking the party’s whip … Currently (as of August 2018) it is The Rt Hon Julian Smith MP, who was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury (Chief Whip) on 2 November 2017. Get our daily email briefing straight to your inbox. Nick Brown currently serves as the Chief Whip in the House of Commons and Tommy McAvoy as the Chief Whip in the House of Lords. Speaking today, the Duchess of Sussex she says she's misunderstood, Woman laughed until she cried over her puppy's 'chunky' bum in hilarious snap, A woman couldn't stop laughing after spotting a very amusing detail in a photo she took while cuddling her golden retriever puppy, Porter, Coronavirus UPDATES: UK cases in highest ever daily increase as 71 deaths reported, There have been 7,143 new cases of coronavirus recorded in the past 24 hours - the highest ever daily rise since the pandemic began. Each week, whips send out a circular called ‘The Whip’. Andrew Scattergood, Momentum’s Co-Chair, firefighter and Fire Brigades Union’s West Midlands Regional Secretary, said: “Keir Starmer must not sack any Labour MP from his frontbench for standing up for basic human rights and the rule of law. This goes out to their MPs (or Lords) and details parliamentary business and party plans. Each party appoints a team of MPs as whips, and each of the two main parties – currently, the Conservatives and Labour as Government and Opposition – will have around 14 in their whips’ office. No apology of the money they took from a number of them, no apology whatsoever…, “Much of the mess we are having to come and clean up today is because of your illegal wars, your events in the past … and to put up straw men and make wild allegations that are wholly inaccurate and disputed by much more learned people than him, I think it a dis-service to our troops and is all about making an excuse for not supporting this Bill.”. According to the UK Parliament website, they “help organise their party’s contribution to parliamentary business”. Mr Healey added the Government is bringing in a “legal presumption against prosecution for torture, war crimes, for crimes against humanity”. This makes it easy for the government to lose in major votes. “It's shameful that Labour's leadership didn't oppose a bill which protects those who commit torture and other crimes against humanity.". Labour MPs were ordered to abstain on the vote for the bill's second reading. Both Chief Whips were previously appointed by former leader Jeremy Corbyn and reappointed by Keir Starmer following his election of as Labour leader in April 2020.[1]. Live updates as Donald Trump and Joe Biden go head to head in first presidential debate, Millions of American voters will tune in tonight as the two candidates for President face each other for the first time. He told the Commons: “This is the Government of Great Britain saying sexual crimes are so serious they’ll be excluded from this presumption, but placing crimes outlawed by the Geneva Convention on a less serious (level) and downgrading our unequivocal commitment for upholding international law that we in Britain ourselves after the Second World War helped to establish.”.