We generally let our minds dictate out bodies but this shows we have the ability to do something small to shape our mind.Power nonverbal cues can help you in public speaking and in life because people respond better to those who exhibit powerful body language. She goes on to explain her experiment where she had people portray a certain pose for two minutes. They do not feel confident and do not radiate confidence to their interviewers. This advice can help me in life when I have to go in for interviews or in any situation when confidence is key. When people are hunched over or looking down at a phone or newspaper, they appear weaker or timid. Also remember when you are listening to a speech you can assist the speaker by giving them encouraging feedback by nodding or smiling just a little. Candidate, University of Birmingham.

By doing this over time, one is able to "fake it until they become it."

Throughout the video she explains that most people before an interview will stand or sit in a vulnerable pose in the waiting room. For example, during an interview. You can: But my favorite way to introduce Amy Cuddy is this 2013 Business Insider pictorial by Henry Blodget. Those who held power poses felt more confident, had an increase in the dominance hormone (testosterone), and a decrease in the stress hormone (cortisol). She gave examples which showed how animals have been using these nonverbal cues to power and dominance.

The more confident and powerful you appear to others, the more people will listen to you and notice you. Amy Cuddy describes power posing as changing the behavior of a person by altering their body position. So even if you don’t think you can become this type of person who kind of dominates and is more laid back this is your chance too. © TED Conferences, LLC. Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED. Knowing about nonverbal cues will help you in real life because it will get you through stressful situations.

In 25 years of speaker coaching, I’ve helped my individual speaker coaching clients develop their strengths and skills to become authentic and effective communicators. translators.

Product Strategist @ DROP:SHOT. When our bodies show that we have enough confidence, our minds would also be convinced. If you struggle with public speaking, a boost in testosterone and dominance: power posing, may be all you need; just as long as you don’t become dependent on them: overcompensate.

For example, if you present yourself at a job interview with a tall, confident posture, your behaviors will change which will change the outcome of whether you get the position or not.