The Scarbacks realized what Aneela and the Red 17 process was and travelled to Arkyn to fight her. I was missing more from Aneela & Delle Seyah. Will a magical date--and some pushing from from their meddling friends--help these two rekindle their love? However since Aneela was affected so young the green plasma affected Aneela differently than it did the other Hullen. The Lady was gone but her evil cry was still lingering in the depths of the galaxy.

No muse to keep her at the easel, she thought. Delle Seyah is caught in the middle of a political civil war. “Would you like to enjoy her?”, “Are.

In other words:Sometimes a family is an infant teen, his dad, a former evil dictator, a centuries old mass murderer, and her daughter-sister-clone-self. She is portrayed by actress Hannah John-Kamen and by Jordana Blake as a child. Why she still had such intense emotions when all the other Hullen did not have any emotions or had muted emotions she wanted to figure out a way to shut off her emotions too because she did not understand why she still felt so much when none of the other Hullen did. The Lady was gone but her evil cry was still lingering in the depths of the galaxy.

[3], Aneela allowed Gander to regenerate and then tortured him to find out where he hid Kendry, drowning him and letting him regenerate over a 1,000 times. Gander is a senior Hullen officer and second in command to Aneela. It seems nearly idyllic.

I promised you forever. So Aneela has an extreme fear of being alone and will have panic attacks if she ever thinks she is permanently alone again. Aneela also did the experiments to see why she was different from the other Hullen. Gods, Neely, you’re so shit at this!”. A series of Aneela/Delle Gayah drabbles written by me because SOMEBODY has to give this god tier ship the love and attention it deserves. Name a more iconic ship I'll wait forever, Aneela is a workaholic and MUST be stopped, Delle Seyah had ENOUGH of this political bullshit, Gotta reunite these two hopeless lovebirds ASAP, Aneela and Delle Seyah don't know how to do Relationships, Dutch | Yalena Yardeen/Delle Seyah Kendry, there is a Plot and the Plot is: they're stupid, and times that are broken (can often be one again), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Yes the finale had me all kinds of FUCKED UP, They are The Softests tm for each other and their son, because that episode gave us so much good content, Aneela is a crazy talented classical musician who also sometimes plays in her sister’s punk band, And neither of them can resist each other.

During the early days of the Hullen transformation, Khlyen kept Aneela locked away in a Safehouse Cube to protect her. Delle Seyah slayed the corrupt Economic Unification Bill with her filibuster. Kendry also helps Aneela understand human social cues. Together they have to solve a mystery, fall in love, and make sure the Empire doesn't fall apart. “Asking me if I want to sleep with your wife?”. She is portrayed by actress Mayko Nguyen. Aneela is 275 years old and is the daughter of Khlyen and the former prisoner of the Hullen. The initial group of individuals that bonded with the green plasma retained some autonomy, some sense of self. In which Aneela opens a restaurant, and Delle is a critic who might tear the place apart. Basically Aneela is the Heir to the throne and Delle Seyah is part of the Nine families of the realm. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

They were unsuccessful in stopping her although one monk was able to steal one of Aneela's trees and get away. Namely one Delle Seyah Kendry, one of the harshest critics within the State. When Gander would not break, she eventually used the Green Plasma to find out where he had hid Kendry, which also let The Lady know Aneela's intentions.[4].
[3]. Delle Seyah Kendry aka Kendry is a recurring character appearing in Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4 and Season 5 of Killjoys. Gander is a senior Hullen officer and second in command to Aneela. Aneela Kin Rit only paints what truly inspires her. Of all of them, three were the strongest. Aneela (Killjoys) team awesome force - Character; Jaqobis Kin Rit; Fluff and Angst; Dysfunctional Family; Summary.

I do want to pursue a relationship with her, and yet I let my job willingly interfere with it. Aneela didn't think much of the show she attended, the gallery filled with other artists whose creations were mediocre at best. As team awesome force was cleaning up what she had left behind, they found an unexpected gift that Aneela was more than happy to receive. To establish her restaurant in the intense buzz of New York, and ferociously face the threats which arise in the process. When the nights were long and the days were deep, the Old Ones once roamed the Earth.