Logan demanded for Toby to apologize or leave yet neither of these two requests were met. How Did The Hacker Obtain Jennifer Lawrence's Nude Photos? Uncode is a pixel perfect creative multiuse WordPress Theme designed with terrific attention to details, flexibility and performance. She says that after she started dating him they “had a lot of problems” and that “there were situations where I felt pressured to do things that made me uncomfortable”. pic.twitter.com/wzY3IkKbiv, — Whitney Moore (@TweetneyMoore) April 11, 2016.

https://twitter.com/AprilEfff/status/718566323958054913. She explains that a lot of April’s story sounded a lot like Toby and that she thinks he “feeds off drama”. Logan demanded for Toby to apologize or leave yet neither of these two requests were met.

Chris claims that he too is a victim of rape and was laughed at when he came forward. with #TobyTurner. If so, tell him you love how chilled out and laid back he can be and that it’s your people’s favourite quality about him. We reached out to Jimmy Wong, star of Rockjump‘s Video Game High School and brother to FreddieW, after he tweeted about the Tobuscus abuse scandal.

and even heavily pressured her and tricked her into taking Ecstasy (MDMA/Molly) and Cannabis (Marijuana/Weed). Update: Olga Kay has posted a tweet claiming that she was never “drugged or raped” and that she is “okay”. Toby has spoken about his relationships (starting at 57:20) on Rhett and Link’s podcast, Ear Biscuits. he admitted to doing through text messages. During the journey home from Toby’s Amelia said “I finally know what love feels like”. aprilefff:::TRIGGER WARNING::: abuse, rape, drugs, pretty much everything terrible Before I start, I want to say that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. Max Landis is kind of hit and miss to me.

She states that he punched a crack in the wall but later covered it with a calendar before calling her a “faggot” (a term he would often use) and stating that he hated her blonde hair (which she later dyed brown).

And Jesus Christ, that part when he did the Gryphon voice was probably one of the most horrifying things I've read in a while. Jack: What sort of proof if I’m going to be working like this I need to know it all. I thought his claims of abuse came much later, in response to Zoe's claim of being abused. She then decided to finally leave Toby. She says that she still loved Toby and didn’t want to ruin his career. Toby denied that he was involved. Don't be fooled. However, she did claim that Toby was definitely mentally unstable and damaged. On March 8th 2014, Toby accidentally left a smoking pipe and lighter in the background of his Walking Dead playthrough video, on his most popular channel TobyGames, which caused a small controversy on Reddit and in the YouTube comments. this bitch has something on me can you help me ‘get rid’ of it? I saw similar things happen to my best friend. On Jun 14, 2006 he then launched his main channel ‘Tobuscus’ (6.3m subs), originally called ‘TobyJoeTurner’, which became famous for his CuteWinFail show, his viral literal trailer series and also other songs, parodies and animations. https://twitter.com/BreeEssrig/status/718496796968947714, I support @AprilEfff. They occupy a similar position to the Bill Cosbys and Jimmy Saville's of yesteryear and they are abusing it in the same way. Did not see this coming from him. Jack tweeted Toby using the hashtag (#helptoby) he provided explaining that he was good at hacking. 60% (554 votes) believe the allegations. Toby never stepped over any boundaries that she set.

Chris states that fans should stop idolizing their favourite YouTubers since some will use that power to take advantage of them. Bree Essrig, an actress and victim of sexual assault, known for her work with TotallySketch (Michael Gallagher) and SourceFed (Philip DeFranco) replied to April to say “there are many monsters in this ‘community’ & it takes serious balls to open up about shit like this. Toby: okay need your help now, reply when you can.

She then affirms that she didn’t like “his affinity for drugs”.

He replied “I can assure you what I have heard are not rumours.” Gizzy14Gazza (who has over 1.1 million subscribers) states that he’s worked with April and that she “has no reason to be lying about any of this”.