Note that the same rollup column for the User Stories themselves is showing 0 because they don’t have items with Story Points linked as children. Solution, Backlog task not correctly displayed 1 The “Progress by Story Points” column is indicating that 61% of the Story Points were completed (40/65). Looks like this sentence is incomplete? This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads.
According to the roll up feature will be released with Azure Devops Server 2020. Rollup was one of the community’s top requests. Learn more about Rollup. Right now the information will be saved per user and backlog level. The “Progress based on Sum of Remaining work” column assumes the remaining work is set to 0 for any linked items that are closed. You can add most fields listed in the Work item field index.

Even if the actual value of Remaining work is greater than. The “Sum of Story Points” column for the “Public Web Rooms” Feature is 65 based on the Story Points of the linked User Stories.
Choose the up or down arrows to choose whether it sorts in ascending or descending order. Adding a rollup column is as simple as adding any other column to your backlog view. Solution, VSTS Task (Azure SQL Database Deployment) failes. Column options you set for a backlog apply only to the active team and backlog. Even if the actual value of Remaining work is greater than. That means that the list of rollup columns available may vary per project. @Daniel if you could email AzDevCompassShield (at), we would like to help you figure out this issue. All fields defined within the project collection or organization are available for selection, even those fields that aren't used for your particular project. reported Paul Daunton reported Apr 17, 2018 at 12:01 PM ... "Copy Query URL" creates link to a "Custom Query" and not the actual query's location 0 Solution The rollup options you can add are based on your project’s process template. This is great feedback and we would appreciate if you could submit this as a suggestion in Developers community A workaround would be to add two Total columns and have them side by side. For example, in the image below we added “Total – Count of Work items” as a column. Column options you set for a query persist when you save the query. While you wont get the percentage calculated s progress, you will still be able to see the difference between the two metrics.