The new dependency injection feature of Azure Functions makes it very simple to work with Entity Framework Core database contexts within an Azure Functions app, even though there is no explicit EF Core binding for Azure Functions. A series of registration steps run before and after the runtime processes the startup class. To specify additional configuration sources, override the ConfigureAppConfiguration method in your function app's StartUp class. After the Configure method is run, the Functions runtime continues to register additional dependencies, which can affect how your services operate. Therefore, keep in mind the following items: The startup class is meant for only setup and registration.

There can be up to Read more…. Values defined in app settings are available in an IConfiguration instance, which allows you to read app settings values in the startup class. For more information, see the following resources: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, create an issue and propose them on GitHub, Responsible for providing the ID of the host instance.

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You need to modify the host.json file to opt-in to additional filters and categories.

In my sample code, notice that MessageFunction and its methods no longer have the static keyword.

Dependency Injection is possible through the Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions package.. We can inject dependencies using IFunctionsHostBuilder object by registering our custom Startup type and overriding the Configure method.Azure Functions allow registration of a custom Startup type through an assembly attribute.. FSharp allows injecting plain functions instead of the whole …
To register the method, add the FunctionsStartup assembly attribute that specifies the type name used during startup. to inject mock versions of things) you can set up dependency injection. It’s pretty similar to how it was done previously, below is updated code from my previous v2 example.

Any code within Dependency Injection in Azure Functions v3 by Shinigami is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. With Azure Functions V2 we can use same dependency injection mechanism as in ASP.NET Core. In my example, this is how my appsettings looks like: I can read the MessageResponder values into a MessageResponder object and register this in DI, so these values will be available to any class which needs it. The code for this isn’t as clean as with ASP.NET Core services.Configure method, but its still straightforward. The options object is injected into the function as an instance of the generic IOptions interface. Familiarity with .NET Core dependency injection is recommended.

In the v3 version of Azure Functions DI is better supported and there’s now some offical documentation demonstrating how it’s done. A FunctionsHostBuilderContext is obtained from IFunctionsConfigurationBuilder.GetContext(). Settings read into the configuration instance must be simple key/value pairs. Dealing with objects, dependency needs to be implemented within the class whereas, in the Azure portal, there will be a static Function without a class. For a Functions app, the different service lifetimes behave as follows: View or download a sample of different service lifetimes on GitHub. The options instance is now available in the IoC container to inject into a function. Copying the app settings values to a custom type makes it easy test your services by making these values injectable. Note 2: My code is targeting .NET Core 3.1, The code is also available here: However, by default these new logging filters are filtered out of the function logs. For example.

The function host registers many services. You can extract values from the IConfiguration instance into a custom type.

Support for dependency injection begins with Azure Functions 2.x. The following example demonstrates how to add an ILogger with logs that are exposed to the host. Specify the interface in the constructor. Ah, that was left in from my previous code before FunctionsStartup wass avilable. For function apps running in the Consumption or Premium plans, modifications to configuration values used in triggers can cause scaling errors. The following sample adds configuration values from a base and an optional environment-specific app settings files. In order to use the logger in other classes, we specify it in the constructor as ILogger.