You may like to read: Open Source, Free and Top Dashboard Software and How to Select the Best Dashboard Software for Your Business. Elegant Themes - Simple, Elegant and Superb! Change the color styles by adding a class in the HTML, style switcher included. Powered by Bootstrap, full featured frontend template in 2 versions, PHP and HTML with Less support included. Hosted by Flywheel. Login page with working ajax / php script, error pages included. All comments are held for moderation. © 2013- 2020 Predictive Analytics Today. 6 color themes, multiple layouts and pages including Coming Soon page. Besides HTML, includes AngularJS starter boiler plate. Huge collection of UI components, integrated with latest jQuery plugins. The target users of this tool can be managers or business owners who act as the consumer of dashboards and reports. Based on newest Bootstrap 4, supports Bootstrap 3, classic and material design version. The easiest way to create make a Donut chart is through the Dashboard Builder, which does not require any programming skills. Creative mail inbox, innovative error page. 6 error pages with search and auto complete. 2 icon sets (glyphicons & splashy icons). 11 widgets, full set of UI and form elements. Quickly browse through hundreds of Dashboard tools and systems and narrow down your top choices. WYSIWYG editor with integrated file explorer. Required fields are marked *. Less CSS (a CSS pre-processor that expands the scope of CSS). 100+ UI widgets, 65+ lightweight jQuery plugins. Dashboard Builder comes in a variety of chart types i.e line,scatter bar, pie, donuts, bubble, stack, area, heatmap and choropleth map. Top 7 Free and Premium Contact Form Plugins for WordPress, Where to Buy Top-Quality WordPress Themes, Flywheel’s Managed WordPress Hosting – Reviewed, Top 15 Most Popular Multi-Purpose WordPress Themes for 2020, Gravity Forms vs Ninja Forms – Two Leading WordPress Form Plugins Compared, Divi Builder Review: A Brand New Drag-&-Drop Page Builder Plugin by Elegant Themes. Finding the right KPI dashboard suitable for your company can be a headache, so we did the hard work for you and selected 21 of the best solutions on the market. Unique sliders with mousewheel support and optional tooltip.

3 different tab styles, several column styles. Sucuri - Because Security Really REALLY Matters! Dashboard Builder comes in a variety of chart types i.e line,scatter bar, pie, donuts, bubble, stack, area, heatmap and choropleth map.

The new version called UF Dashbuilder will be hitting the streets soon with much more features and an amazing user interface! Profile page, gallery manager, calendar, timeline and chat included. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 and latest jQuery version.

Pre-designed page demos, 6 page layouts, 11 pre-defined color schemes. Dashboard data can be extracted from heterogeneous sources of information such as JDBC databases or regular text files. Dashboard solutions provide a visual overview of organizations' data and analytics in an interactive dashboard that displays key performance metrics (KPIs) in various charts, graphs and animations. MyThemeShop - Smart Themes for Every Site, ThemeForest - The Leading Theme Marketplace. 1000+ Font icons, 80+ jQuery plugins, 100+ form widgets. Most plugins use inline options for shorter and smarter code. Dashboard Builder allows you to present multiple charts on a single dashboard page layout. While research an early article entitled “The All-Time Most Popular HTML/CSS Website Templates on ThemeForest“, I couldn’t help but notice the surprisingly vast array of regular website admin/dashboard templates, and whilst WinningWP is primarily all about WordPress, I figured it would be shame, having already done most of the research anyway, not to go through and list these as well…, So for anyone designing their own backend experience (for either themselves or their clients – or perhaps even designing their very own CMS), let’s take a look at some of the all-time best-selling website admin templates on the market….

Quick Chat feature to keep in touch with colleagues. User profile, full featured inbox, data tables, search forms and results, pricing tables included. Without the need to write a single line of code, the drag and drop interface makes access to invaluable data in a matter of minutes. 9 skin colors, mailbox with mail templates.

Red Hat, Inc. or third-party contributors. Built with Bootstrap 3, HTML5 and CSS3, designed for developers who want to customize. Dynamic, responsive, advanced, editable tables. PAT RESEARCH is a leading provider of software and services selection, with a host of resources and services. Powered by WordPress. 10 built-in apps – for notes, calendar, contact, scrum board, chat, email and more. 19 HTML pages, 5 error pages, 5 background images.