It was given as a Christmas gift to all my sisters with young children. I made your recipe last night and had a delicious bowl this morning. It’s amazing so I’m going to give your recipe a try, as I’m getting alittle tired of porridge every morning!! Well thank you so much for making my day and taking the time to let me know! There is no better time to turn to build a stronger immune system! Thanks to both of you. Resources you can use while at home to  help you eat clean, exercise, and practice emotional self care during these challenging times. The wife makes it for me we use rolled oates Skim milk powder sultanas and chopped nuts. For more healthy breakfast ideas, don't miss our guide. I mix up all the dry ingredients days before, so I’m wondering if the raw ginger might go off. I’ve personally made it several times now with blueberries and mango, with blueberries and strawberries, and with mango and pineapple. Yum! In the morning I added grated Apple as you suggested and walnuts. Stir in the yogurt and 100ml cold water, cover and chill for several hours or overnight. These moist components are typcially lemon juice and cream, however this Bircher muesli recipe is, we predict, somewhat more healthy – we have swapped out the cream for low fats yoghurt. Hope this recipe came close to the one you had at the hotel.

I love the idea of layering the fruit ahead of time. Im lactose intolerant so cant have milk, however wondering if it would work the same with a substitute such as almond or coconut milk? The versions were similar to your recipe, but always included shredded coconut which I love, and some used mango as well as apple. This recipe is for two, but you can make enough for four or six and keep it sealed in the fridge, ready for you to dip into every morning, all week long. Use the best laundry detergent to keep your clothes in tip top condition, These are the best hot tub deals around: get ready to set up a spa in your back garden, at a fair price. . Where will we pop up next? Thank you , Awesome! Have You Thought About … COVID-19 Implications for Employment Issues in Corporate Transactions? Visit our corporate site. ~ You’ll be surprised by our extensive range of single serve and bulk products. Get the Amped-Up Bircher Microbe Muesli recipe and nutrition info here. Does this get slimy life cooked oatmeal?

I had it with flaked almonds, ground chia seeds and fresh fruit – mmmmm!! Discover more yum-spiration in our Recipes section or in our Daily Goodness blog. This has been a life saver for my morning rush. I live in Texas, but I spent the last year traveling around Australia. or is there a better way ? Cheers, Laura. We know that you, our Carman’s Family, love our classic bircher muesli recipe but there are lots of easy ways to mix up your bircher if you wanted to try something new! In Switzerland it’s eaten in the summer whenever possible!..Any excuse..Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack…anytime! Thanks Megan! It is served cool but I think it’s still cool enough not to worry to much about postal temp (I’m guessing it’ll fly & drive in an overnight bag!!). Hi there, My goal is to help you stay well through this time of self isolation and social distancing. Original Bircher Muesli Recipe. As far as frozen fruit, I don’t see why you couldn’t use it. Thanks Christy! Leo. I live in Warsaw so fruit in bountiful supply right now. These small apartment living room ideas are sure to inspire a makeover, no matter the size of space you are working with. swiss origin

I guess its just a preference thing. -Laura. I must admit it can get somewhat slimy, alhough not nearly as bad as oatmeal. .

2. Bircher muesli is having a moment. I tried it last night and added chopped prunes to the mixture. I am always on the search for new kid-friendly recipes and this blog showcases those recipes that my son enjoys the most. Due to carb watching we don’t use oats anymore but the children do. I will definitely have to try that out. AN ORIGINAL POEM- by Tosca Reno (I’m LOL’ing). So sorry for the incredibly late response, but in case you are still wondering…I tried adding the yogurt the night before and found the oats soaked up too much of it and the muesli ended up really thick, but if that is the texture you want to achieve then adding at night would be good. Thank you for your post! Hope you enjoy it! ❤️, You can check out all these resources plus some very Special Offers on my Online Programs here. If you would light one you, It's OK to ask for HELP! I personally don’t like porridge at all but I really enjoyed eating this delicious bowl of muesli, even though it had similarities with porridge in its consistency. If you prefer a thicker texture just decrease the amount of milk and yogurt. and dollop on a generous spoonful of yoghurt. Making Overnight Oats is one of the faster and easiest make ahead breakfast recipe! the URL is the address of your website, if you’ve got one.

I’m glad you and your guests enjoyed the breakfast! Hi Oriana! I will keep my fingers crossed that it arrives in one piece and your friend enjoys it!