Clique em Convidar Usuário.Click Invite User. Na caixa de diálogo Autenticação Federada, execute as seguintes etapas:In the Federated Authentication dialog box, perform the following steps: a.a. Selecione Habilitar Autenticação Federada.Select Enable Federated Authentication. This is a highly useful feature because it means that Clarizen is actually adding value to users and their projects by offering sensible, thoughtful suggestions of the kind of tasks that might be required in that particular project. Clarizen integrates with Box, Quickbooks, Sharepoint, Google Drive,, Intacct, Jira, etc.
It can be the shortcoming of other project management software, that they do not offer any such suggestions, leaving all content to be user-generated. Neste tutorial, você aprenderá a integrar o Clarizen ao Azure AD (Azure Active Directory). Entre em seu site de empresa do Clarizen como administrador. b.b.

This week’s featured app is workflow and project management software Clarizen. Gmail Initial set-up of project management software Clarizen is a simple case of entering your name and email address and either choosing one of the paid plans or selecting the 30-day free trial. Em seguida, próximo a Autenticação Federada, clique em editar.Click the Global Settings tab. Na seção Configurar o Clarizen, copie a URL apropriada de acordo com suas necessidades.On the Set up Clarizen section, copy the appropriate URL(s) as per your requirement. Para que o logon único funcione, é necessário estabelecer uma relação de vínculo entre um usuário do Azure AD e o usuário relacionado do Clarizen. The tasks window displays project-related tasks in project management software Clarizen. Na caixa de diálogo Selecionar um método de logon único, selecione o modo SAML/WS-Fed para habilitar o logon único.On the Select a Single sign-on method dialog, select SAML/WS-Fed mode to enable single sign-on. Esses não são os valores reais.These are not the real values. e.e. Por exemplo, BrittaSimon@contoso.comFor example, In addition to the Tradeshow/Event Planning project template, other templates include: Thoughtfully produced project templates are built into project management software Clarizen, Once your new project is set up, you can navigate through Clarizen using the left-hand toolbar, let’s have a look at the features it contains…. Please enable it to improve your browsing experience. O Clarizen é compatível com o SSO iniciado por. In other words, apps that we think you should know about. Na caixa de pesquisa, digite Clarizen, selecione Clarizen no painel de resultados e, em seguida, clique no botão Adicionar para adicionar o aplicativo.In the search box, type Clarizen, select Clarizen from result panel then click Add button to add the application. Lista de tutoriais sobre como integrar aplicativos SaaS com o Active Directory do AzureList of Tutorials on How to Integrate SaaS Apps with Azure Active Directory. Para que o logon único funcione, é necessário estabelecer uma relação de vínculo entre um usuário do Azure AD e o usuário relacionado do Clarizen.For single sign-on to work, a link relationship between an Azure AD user and the related user in Clarizen needs to be established. In this section, you enable Britta Simon to use Azure single sign-on by granting access to Clarizen. The People window allows new users to be added and removed while the User Groups feature allows User Groups to be created and edited. Para obter os valores reais, entre em contato com a equipe de suporte do Clarizen.To get the actual values, contact the Clarizen support team. Although it is a very complete software, the one that includes everything in one makes it difficult to understand in certain functions, especially the financial side since this software is managed by control panels and it is there where it is difficult to explain for the whole team. Na página Configurar Logon Único com SAML, execute as seguintes etapas:On the Set up Single Sign-On with SAML page, perform the following steps: a.a. Na caixa de texto Identificador, digite um valor: ClarizenIn the Identifier text box, type a value: Clarizen, b.b. O titular da conta do Active Directory do Azure receberá um email e seguirá um link para confirmar a conta antes que ela se torne ativa. Platforms: Android, iPhone-iPad, Mac, Windows, Web-based. Na caixa de diálogo Usuários e grupos, escolha Brenda Fernandes na lista Usuários e clique no botão Selecionar na parte inferior da tela.In the Users and groups dialog select Britta Simon in the Users list, then click the Select button at the bottom of the screen. Clarizen connects work across the enterprise by bringing together project management discipline, workflow automation and collaboration to turn ideas into strategies, plans, and action.