For those who have not read it, the article indicates that research shows no association between exposure to glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, based on a study of U.S. farm workers and their families. If you have a personal injury case, call him. When everything that a human or farm animals later processed as food, is taken into consideration, what are the exposure levels? Johnson used large amounts of Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides as a school groundskeeper. What do you think about the possibility of your breakfast cereal containing glyphosate? name and flask logo are both registered trademarks of, LLC. Unless there is other support that ConsumerLab can cite for this finding, to replicate the dubious conclusions of IARC risks perpetuating false beliefs that are contrary to science among your subscribers, and further jeopardizes the credibility of ConsumerLab (which I generally find to be excellent so far). Saying "no worries" about the pesticide in one burger ignores that people are ingesting pesticides from many foods and water and household use, and the effects are cumulative. See the evidence here. The study stated that lower IQ, adult obesity, and 5% or more of autism cases are linked with exposure to endocrine disruptors. The current increase in chronic metabolic issues such as obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders suggests that this is a field of study that really should be pursued. Join now to save favorites and get all member benefits, including over 1,300 reviews. It seems though this level could be considered safe for adults it may not be safe for small children (I assume the primary consumers).

Join now to add comments and get all member benefits, including over 1,300 reviews. © 2020, LLC.

I actually spoke with the on-staff veterinarian at Monsanto after my cat, and a friends dog (on the other side of town) both had bloody vomiting and bloody diarrhea with the only thing in common was that our husbands had sprayed roundup in the yard two days prior.
Advice you’ll never hear from the mainstream media., Previously unreported court documents reviewed by Reuters from an ongoing U.S. legal case against Monsanto show that Blair knew the unpublished research found no evidence of a link between glyphosate and cancer.

Call (866) 478-6483 to discuss your situation with one of our attorneys. Glyphosate is likely to be one of these hormone hacking chemicals according to independent science. Dr. Folta is one of those industry scientists who still ‘believe’ low doses of chemicals are not dangerous despite mainstream scientific evidence that proves many chemicals can wreak havoc on hormones at extremely low levels (e.g. Many myths prevail, and many regulatory bodies are filled with industry affiliates. Dr. Folta and colleagues have now taken to stating that they cannot trust the results because they are not peer-reviewed, even though they are all clearly aware of the difference between University studies and commercial laboratory reports. Material contained here may not apply to your own circumstances. For your privacy, only your first name (from your account) followed by a random number will appear with your comment. This site is intended for informational purposes only and not to provide medical advice. The "bottom line" should not be that "glyphosate is a probable carcinogen", but rather the IARC's conclusion (and the California listing which relies solely on the IARC report) is a politically-motivated outlier. Not only EFSA but also EPA, the Canadian Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency, and others have concluded directly to the contrary that glyphosate is not a carcinogen.

Who wins? Our subscribers are largely individual consumers, and this is why they subscribe. Also to consider: A recent article in Time magazine describes results from a research paper indicating that proximity to areas treated with glyphosate increases risk of autism, and of autism with intellectual disability: "For autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability, estimated odds ratios were higher (by about 30%) for prenatal exposure to glyphosate (1.33, 1.05 to 1.69)", article link: The second describes evidence for a link in humans. The cumulative effect is what should be of concern.

This browser does not support PDFs. Therefore, the best way to protect your family from glyphosate is to serve eggs from your own chickens for breakfast. He took the time to listen to my situation. They both criticized the testing methods used, even before they understood what those were. (see the Sept. 12 Science Magazine article on birds that die or are unable to migrate after eating pesticide-laden insects, seeds, and plants). Mr. Brady is the BEST lawyer in Northern California.

After two years of intestinal problems, I went totally organic and it has totally cleared up. I have been warning anyone who would listen about glyphosates for years.