A player who buys one decimo rather than a billete will win €400,000 if they land the top prize.The El Gordo de Navidad raffle sends Spain into a frenzy every year due to the attractive winning odds starting at 1:6:5 for a prize and the odds of winning the top prize are much better than most lotteries, standing at 1 in 100,000. It’s known locally as “Loteria de Navidad.” Those residing outside of Spain call it the Spanish Christmas Raffle, however, its official name is Sorteo Extraordinario de Navidad.

The upcoming December 22nd draw is expected to create more than 26 million winning shares! Alle Glücksspielfans, die zu Weihnachten 2019 gern einen üppigen Geldsegen erhalten möchten und sich deshalb ein Los für die spanische Weihnachtslotterie El Gordo gekauft haben, sollten sich den Termin für die Ziehung vormerken. 16 on lottery entries every year.

It’s good news for online lottery players who love to buy El Gordo de Navidad Raffle tickets online as tickets are now available on PlayUSALotteries.com! Three guardians, called claveros, hold the keys to the hall. Every year at Christmas, Spaniards go lottery mad, queuing for hours to buy El Gordo de Navidad Christmas Raffle tickets and this year it is bigger than ever! El Gordo de Navidad 2019. By clicking Create Account, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Entire towns and villages have prospered from the Fat One. In 2018 the first prize of El Gordo de Navided went to a single winning number and the prize amount was 4 million Euros. Then the balls get placed into a special rack for the records. Christmas has come early at PlayUSALotteries with El Gordo de Navidad raffle tickets currently on sale NOW! El Gordo, Spanish for “Body Fat One,” is Spain’s annual Christmas lottery happening Thursday. Hasta en 32 ocasiones el Gordo de Navidad ha terminado en este número, seguido del 4 y el 6 (27 veces). Your email address will not be published. The draw takes about three hours and the winners always give a donation to the San Ildefonso school. Once the draw starts at 9am, the hall buzzes with excitement until long after the final prize ball is matched to the final raffle number. The unlucky loser was a Greek resident who lived on the edge of town and failed to buy a ticket because he did not realize just how big the prize fund was. As the five-digit raffle codes are drawn from a set of lottery drums, the results are sung by students of the San Ildefonso School in front of an audience which has made it a custom to arrive dressed in lottery-related clothing to the extravagant event. Once you have done so, all you have to do is select the El Gordo de Navidad Raffle choose the number or numbers you want to play. This Spanish tradition, which everyone enjoys, allows all to dream of becoming rich and living a life of leisure. EL GORDO – Loteria de Navidad. One child sings aloud the winning five-digit number while the other sings the prize. Lotería de Navidad Rules.

Play Loteria de Navidad - the Spanish Christmas Lottery!

On average, players in Spain hold €73 worth of Spanish Christmas Lottery tickets and many receive Christmas raffle shares and tickets as gifts from family members and acquaintances. Buying a Christmas Lottery ticket takes on a special meaning when it is shared. Spanish Raffle tip! Sign up for free and purchase your tickets now. There are over 15,000 prizes (from €200 to €4m per number) in different prize categories for each of the 17 series. We’re proud to add new lotteries from Romania and Slovakia to our growing array of lotto draws from... We'll notify you if you are! Buy your tickets for the El Gordo de Navidad Spanish Christmas Raffle right here at PlayUSALotteries and you will become a part of this truly enchanting game! This is the time when people all across Spain, club their money together to buy a stake in this amazing draw. The results are sung aloud by children of San Ildefonso School who practice for the event for months leading up to the drawing. People winning very small amounts often use that money to buy another raffle ticket for the lottery draw that takes place on 6 January known as Lotería del Niño. The fact it takes place during Christmas makes this a very special lottery. The codes are numbered from 00000-99999. A gas company worker, Vicente Villaverde, who lives across the street from the lottery office, told lottery officials that he bought lottery tickets ending in 13 for the past six years. The smaller drum contains 1,807 wooden balls, each representing variations of the available prizes on it.

For those that have had the pleasure to travel to Spain and you found yourself there on December 22nd, you know just how exciting the El Gordo de Navidad really is. However, the grand was a whopping 8,000 pesetas, which would be just under €50 today.