Counting the licensing usages and checking out the license details in Office 365 using PowerShell is a lot easier than going through the admin console. Thanks for marking this as the answer.

The biggest question is how to see both assigned license plans, enabled license and disabled license features for many users ? In my testing, I think you may try this

To get a list of unlicensed users in Office 365, follow these simple steps:-Open PowerShell with elevated privileges.-Execute the following command. Note: Since Get-AzureADUser doesn’t support last Password change attribute, we need to use Get-MsolUser cmdlet to get Azure AD users’ last password set date.. How satisfied are you with this response? I'm not sure if I can factor this in too or if I would need to run separate commands but I also need to label each user by whether they are in a Manchester or a London site.

Everything I am finding is getting a list of ALL users and the licenses they have BUT I

Jan 2, 2019 at 14:42 UTC. To view all the Microsoft 365 services that a user has access to, use the following syntax: Open PowerShell, connect to Office 365 (Connect-MsolService), and test the following cmdlets: Get-MsolUser “The Get-MsolUser cmdlet can be used to retrieve an individual user, or list of users. ( Log Out /  Not easy to reach your goal when using the admin portal. So I have been searching the web on a way I can get a list of Office 365 licenses assigned to a list of user accounts. Wondering if I could get some help. such as City, Country. The first thing you need to do is to connect to your Office 365 tenant using PowerShell.

Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. An individual user will be retrieved if the ObjectId or UserPrincipalName parameter is used.” So, we’ve got a list of all users right now.

Great! syntax, for example: I found this blog which had the script to list all users with their licenses. Now I did run the below command which di... Exporting list of users in 365 plus license type - Office 365 - … Nowadays I am using PowerShell only for some management alone. Actually this does dump the list of users  but what I am actually looking for is to be able to feed a .txt file with a list of users email addresses and to export the results to a .csv file. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This thread is locked. Thank you for your quick responses, you may try this to see if it works for you., Microsoft 365 Apps or Office 365 Business. sawful1 So I have been searching the web on a way I can get a list of Office 365 licenses assigned to a list of user accounts. The generated UserLicensesConfig.csv file content should be like below. What am I doing wrong? Once I had the exported list I was just going to sign into the admin and via the GUI, go through the 'all_london' Group and add 'London' in a spreadsheet next to the username and the same with 'all_manchester'. 3) I now want to run a script that will connect to Office365, take the list of users I have from step 2 and feed it to a powershell command  ex Get-content c:\temp\users.txt  and tell me which of  those users have F1 or E3 licenses. Export Office 365 Users MFA Status to CSV using PowerShell Using this PowerShell script you can export Office 365 users' MFA status along with many useful attributes like Display Name, User Principal Name, MFA Status, Activation Status, Default MFA Method, All MFA Methods, MFA Phone, MFA Email, License Status, Admin Roles, SignIn Status.

Connect to Office 365 PowerShell, 2. If you have found your answer, the PowerShell below also might benefits the community here to get certain users and what for further assistance. Since each domain (a tenant can have multiple domains) can have a different password policy, getting Office 365 users’ password expiry date is tricky. This article shares the Powershell script to get a list of licensed office 365 users. Which of the following retains the information it's storing when the system power is turned off? provided but cannot get it to work. Change ), BPOS_S_TODO_1, FORMS_PLAN_E1, STREAM_O365_E1, Deskless, FLOW_O365_P1, POWERAPPS_O365_P1, TEAMS1, SHAREPOINTWAC, PROJECTWORKMANAGEMENT, SWAY, MCOSTANDARD, SHAREPOINTSTANDARD, EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD, FORMS_PLAN_E1,SWAY,SHAREPOINTWAC,ONEDRIVESTANDARD, BPOS_S_TODO_1, STREAM_O365_E1, Deskless, FLOW_O365_P1, POWERAPPS_O365_P1, TEAMS1,PROJECTWORKMANAGEMENT,YAMMER_ENTERPRISE, MCOSTANDARD, SHAREPOINTSTANDARD, EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD, FORMS_PLAN_E1, SWAY, SHAREPOINTWAC, ONEDRIVESTANDARD, BPOS_S_TODO_1, STREAM_O365_E1, Deskless, FLOW_O365_P1, POWERAPPS_O365_P1, TEAMS1, PROJECTWORKMANAGEMENT, YAMMER_ENTERPRISE, MCOSTANDARD, SHAREPOINTSTANDARD, EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD, MICROSOFT_BUSINESS_CENTER, FORMS_PLAN_E1,  SWAY, SHAREPOINTWAC, ONEDRIVESTANDARD.