For instance: As you know, Rome wasn’t built in one day. Thanks! The transitions are good; the clichés are few. Thank you, Stephen. We become focused on getting the information on paper and our first sentence can overwhelm. All of them claim the typical ‘good quality’ ‘world-class’ or describe their products and services range in the most least attractive way. When you get them in the mode of agreeing with you (nodding Yes), then you increase the chance that they may agree to take up your sales offer, too.

Thoughts? Hi, another great article. Take a look at these example essays to see what other writers have written. Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves. To do that, you need lots of examples and evidence to support your arguments. Do you recommend the book by Stanley Fish? P.S. Whenever I come across articles about good sentences, then all examples come from fiction.

Your content isn’t about you and your business. :). Genius writers take their time to make a seismic impact. Good-night sentence examples. Thanks so much for shining a light on a subject that strikes fear into the hearts of most writers. A newspaper is read and then thrown out. Even as I clicked the link I found myself thinking “this time for sure she’ll let me down” even while a chuckle escaped my lips as once again I was caught up from the first sentence. An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. That’s out of our control.

According to my SEO app (Yoast) the opening line of a blog post, post title, subtitles, and also YouTube videos and video descriptions (according to YouTube’s own best practices guidelines) has to contain your keyword/key phrase. No calibration or … Glad you enjoyed the post, Andrew. The technical explanation is specific—three simple sentences explain why iPad Air 2 is thinner (because it fuses three layers into one), and why this means the display is better, too (no gaps so no internal reflectance). Thank you much for the great inspiration. If so, download Why Good Copy Is Good Business below. . In contrast, if they think NO, then you risk them turning away. "America, I've given you all and now I'm nothing. Emotional sentences will attract more attention when they stand out. In sales copy, you only want to use questions that people answer YES to.

At that time, you can use these kind of sentences to answer. 7. 2. It was definitely authentic. Then we found our way to our cabins. Did your favorite line from literature make the list? There’s lots to learn from them , Yeah, I’m with you. Some sentences are simple and factual. The goal of an argument essay is to convince readers. There is often (but not always) a positive correlation between the quality of a text and its lifespan. Yes, that makes sense. 4. Then we headed straight to the pool.” It certainly doesn’t make for very compelling reading. If you haven’t covered the topic yet, please consider the topic for your upcoming blog. But I wasn’t on my couch sipping a glass of Rioja. The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, for example, feature good writing issue after issue. I like the suggestion that your first sentence doesn’t need to be iconic. Sometimes using questions, sometimes inviting statements. I’ve added words in brackets in certain places to give context. The above opening lines may be short, but they’re obvious statements, killing readers’ interest. ", 23. ", 18. Loved this post! "Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. By the next century nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin, or Spanish. Simple sentences work. And it can be a pain to create but with examples like the ones you’ve provided Henneke, there’s a road to follow. ", —Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, 8. Yes, short sentences are key.

Yep, knowing what you want to say is half the work. Have a look at their site and you see what I mean. He’s feeling restless. One daily may have relatively error-free copy, for example. I would still prefer to use more “you” in my copy. I’m a fanatic reader of your tips. Oh, and the “so-what” example was good too. The site also has an archive of tip-filled articles to help readers improve their copywriting skills. In general, then, the text in monthlies contains fewer errors than that in weeklies.