Decked out in a top hat, monocle and white gloves, he was easily the most formal nut people had ever seen. And in the '90s, that was basically the pinnacle of coolness. Creep of Shock Theater had ended his long run on Dayton television. Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch was a Cap'n notorious for poor navigation skills that made seven ships of Her Majesty's Fleet go crunch on various rocky shoals. The original Cheetos mascot was actually a mouse ... because, you know, mice like cheese. Born on Crunch Island in the Sea of Milk – a magical place with talking trees, crazy creatures and a whole mountain (Mt. In 1986 Sogmaster and The Soggies did something that would shock the nation; they kidnapped Cap’n Crunch, and once more the hunt was on to find him and save him from his captors. So until next time, sit back, relax, eat a bowl of cereal and read a comic or two! Hopefully, now in retirement, they're able to enjoy their chocolate-filled lives without giant humans coming out of nowhere and savagely taking bites out of their bodies.

Billed as the chain's supposed founder and CEO, Jack is actually quite a comical character in commercials. Some of my favorite ones were the Cap’n Crunch ones that had not only Cap’n but also both Soggies and The Sogmaster! Cap'n Crunch's full name is Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch. He wears sunglasses all the time. The Chips Ahoy Cookie Guys may have only graced our TV screens from 2002 to 2010, but they made a lasting impression, and the company has yet to replace them. Toucan Sam, the mascot of Kellogg's Fruit Loops, has an extra long, multicolored bill that gives him the ability to sniff out bowls of his favorite cereal from long distances, wherever they might be hiding. The way to tell them apart is one wears a red hat and the other does not. Amazingly enough he left me with the impression of being one of the meanest mascots in my history of watching TV. In short, he was an immediate hit. "Oh yeah! My brother and I collected these and during the whole time of them coming out, we only got one Sogmaster, a few Soggies and an army of Cap’n Crunch’s who seemed to be the one they over produced. Being a Cap’n of cereal is hard work, and you don’t get to the top of the table choice with out making some folks mad. The 7Up Cool Spot was pretty simple. So, in 1986, Chester Cheetah was introduced. He's super cool. Kids around the US were worried and spent time trying to figure out where the Cap’n was and hoping he was okay. About the Cap’n: Horatio is not your average guy, in fact, he’s pretty darn unique. Hamilton B. Urglar, better known as "the Hamburglar," is one of the most memorable characters of McDonaldland, a magical place where Ronald McDonald lived with his friends and inanimate objects could talk. That’s one thing that annoys me about society today, everyone wants to say that these cereals are giving kids diabetes, McDonald’s is making their kids fat, etc. ", According to the Keebler website, "The Elves bake their cookies the old-fashioned elfin way, in magic ovens in the Hollow Tree... No one knows exactly how long the Elves have been baking (they are, after all, ageless).". So let’s set sail over the Milk Sea, and see if we can have an adventure with the one and only Cap’n Crunch. Cap’n Crunch: In The Center of The Earth  **. The Sogmaster is a robot who is all grey, has a hoses for fingers that shoot out soggy gross stuff and is very mean spirited. Now when Spider-Man is worried and wants to save Cap’n, you know he was in deep trouble.

One thing I would like to very briefly talk about are the cool PVC figures that use to come free in cereal boxes based on popular mascots or even Disney Cartoons. The downfall is that he will need a woman who is either committed to waiting for him to return home, or a born sea detective, as he has been lost at sea for twenty-years. The Vlasic Stork was introduced to the world in 1974. It was hard to miss the Kool-Aid Man. 5. He was popular enough, however, to inspire a video game on Sega Genesis. Election Day could turn into "Election Week" with rise in mail ballots.