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We offer FREE Teeth Whitening and Dental Implant Consultation. Indirect bonding is good for teeth that have limited access. To ensure the most years of wear, avoid things that can crack the bonded material, such as using your teeth to open food wrappers.

Compared to other cosmetic dental procedures, bonding is quick and offers long-lasting results. Dental bonding is a great option if you have minor flaws affecting your front teeth. If you bite hard into foods and/or eat a lot of hard foods (apples, carrots, nuts, etc) that can cause chipping / wearing faster too. Tooth bonding can fix a defect or imperfection within a tooth. For the initial couple of days, avoid eating hard foodstuffs following the dental bonding procedure. Acid etching is used to successfully bond existing tooth structure with a prosthetic or repair, whether it be a crown, a filling or a veneer. It can last from one to fifteen years, but rarely longer. border-radius: 100px; The material used bonds well with the teeth. .dt-icon-bg-on.shortcode-single-image-wrap.shortcode-single-image-98ec786c1df25599b7c2cf07e8a8d946 .rollover-icon {

2. Here are some tips to keep your bonded teeth in good condition: Before you decide on bonding, be sure to choose a dentist who is experienced with the procedure, as dental bonding requires some artistic skill to get optimal cosmetic results.

Bonding may not last as long as veneers, but you should easily enjoy up to a decade of wear depending on the bite area and how you treat the tooth that was restored.

Sometimes, teeth bonding can also be used to protect areas of teeth roots that have become exposed due to gum recession. Recommended wait time: 30 minutesIf you received cosmetic dentistry services such as a cleaning/fluoride treatment, eating and drinking immediately after can remove the fluoride treatment. Keep in mind bonding doesn't resist stains as well as crowns or veneers, and doesn't respond to whitening treatments. The application works best on areas of the mouth with low bite pressure, like your front teeth, and those that need minor repair.

Over time it will bother you less. } Don't be surprised if your teeth feel a little strange after bonding; mouths are very sensitive to changes, and your tooth might feel wider with the addition of a resin. Foods and drinks such as tea, red wine, juices coffee, and candies with artificial colouring can also stain the teeth. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. This is typically done with a dremel-like tool, which can cause some sensitivity.

Hopefully this blog can help you learn about dental hygiene, help you find reasonably priced methods and products to maintain your dental health, and help you learn a thing or two.

Peter is a dental hygienist in the city of Chicago, IL.

Please try again. If you are interested in improving your smile with dental bonding, consult your trusted Toorak dentist for an examination to determine if dental bonding is the best treatment for your smiles issues. Get emails with savings, expert advice and more reasons to smile.

The bonding treatment is not suitable in every situation but it can be a quick, painless and affordable way to enhance your smile.

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If you grind your teeth, you can potentially grind off your bonding. Luckily, tooth bonding is a simple and relatively comfortable procedure for those who need to restore broken or weakened teeth. Tooth bonding applies a resin that is then molded and hardened to fill in cracks or chips present in your teeth.

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Composite resin is the most commonly used type of teeth bonding material. When the damage is more severe or in an area of high bite pressure, your dentist may suggest a veneer or crown – both of which are ideal for extensive damage or molar restoration, according to Cleveland Clinic.

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A dental assistant often uses this time to mix the resin to match your natural teeth color.

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