Which NFL team suspended Michael Vick following his 2007 dog fighting conviction? Whether we’re talking about the latest fallout from the #metoo movement, or the latest in celebrity scandals, YouTube lawsuits, 2018 had tons of celebrity gossip to keep us on the edge of our seats. But when it comes to celebrity scandals, 2018 more than delivered. Which Wall of Sound producer was arrested for murder in 2003? If you think you’ve got what it takes to be totally on top of all the latest celebrity gossip, from the horrifying scandals to the sweet secrets they keep, this is the quiz for you. Our hope is our quizzes and articles inspire you to do just that. Let’s find out. Apr 13, 2016.
BobSaget +1. The fact that Cruise jumping on a couch was built up to what it was ranks as one of the stupidest things from the media. Which notorious figure, arrested in 1995, was the Hollywood Madam? For years celebs have had scandals involving drugs and divorce, cheating and nude pics. The quiz doesn't accept just "Cosby", you have to type the whole name. Then there's OJ who basically decapitated his wife and killed her lover before nonchalantly hopping on a red eye flight to Chicago. Wow. Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To Quiz! You would think that celebrity gossip couldn’t get any wilder. Which conservative radio personality confessed to a pain killer addiction in 2003? Which makes the Brad Pitt one all the more ridiculous (not a criticism of the quiz question but the idiotic public outrage when an adult chooses to end a relationship and start a new one). ... Level 46. BuzzFeed Staff Check off all the celeb ... "I don't know her." Feel like Darren Sharper might also be an answer for the Cosby question. Quiz: What Celebrity Fits Your Personality? Or Tiger Woods. We want you to look inward and explore new and interesting things about yourself. To call it a scandal is just ridiculous. A lifetime of tea. But he only assaulted one person with a phone. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/scandal. Now, I wouldn't know, not having ever been to a porn theater (or having heard of them until now), but masturbating seems like a kind of strange thing for them to get upset about someone doing in there....I'm just saying. We want you to laugh at past memories that helped shape the person you’ve become. Naomi Campbell is a serial offender. Fun Trivia Question On Celebrity Scandals 15 Questions | By Thames | Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 | Total Attempts: 1497 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions 11 questions 12 questions 13 questions 14 questions 15 questions We want to dream with you about all your future holds. We want you to look outward and marvel at the world around you. If You Can Identify 24/34 Of These Celebrity Scandals, You're Probs A Millennial. Others have listed actual scandals that should rank before this overly-exuberant display. Cruise and his beloved Scientology are an ongoing scandal. The 2002 film "Auto Focus" was based on the 1978 murder of which "Hogan's Heroes" star? Which celebrity couple's breakup inspired the hit single "Cry Me a River"? Cosby is quite a bit more famous and NFL players assaulting women is hardly news. The moral of this quiz is that if you want to live a long life, don't hold your baby whilst acting stupidly. Celebrity Scandals Quiz #1. Name the celebrities involved in these famous scandals. He actually was on this quiz before the last update. I guess public indecency and all, but given the circumstances--really? We’ll find out if you can tell us about each and every one of the scandals that rocked tabloids and audiences in 2018. by Ehis Osifo. Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. Do you have what it takes to be a celebrity gossip blogger? Russell Crowe would also fit the phone clue: https://www.google.com/search?q=russell+crowe+phone+assault&oq=russell+crowe+phone+assault&aqs=chrome..69i57.5743j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8. Nov 2, 2013. I'm surprised Justin Bieber isn't on this. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like. In Europe that's what everyone was doing in porn theatre .. (not so many of them since internet though).

I mean...I'm sure that could be scandalous in a way too! I think Jimmy Savile should be included on this, Thanks for taking pee wee herman. Had to add the Cosby scandal, which makes some of these other "scandals" seem pretty trivial. Phil Spector... LChammer1 +1. Wouldn't have come up with his real name in time. Haha. (The coffee is now brewing.). Which politically-minded actress was branded a traitor for her 1972 trip to North Vietnam?
Do you know enough about Celebrity Scandals? Name the celebrities involved in these famous scandals.