SQL-based Data Connectivity to more than 150 Enterprise Data Sources. Thanks to the ODBC Driver for Sugar CRM, you can refresh the Dashboard and immediately see any changes made at the source. Blog Post created by SugarCRM Developers on Jun 22, 2015.

When I click the short cut , the report opens nicely.

Alternatively, you can select only the fields you wish to include in the visualization. You can generate a new OAuth consumer key and consumer secret in Admin -> OAuth Keys. This will use the default OAuth token created to allow client logins. Like • Show 0 Likes 0; Comment • 11; Post originally written by tshubbard. Support You Can Count On Designed and maintained by FayeBSG, Dashboard Deployer is backed by one of the best support teams in the SugarCRM community. I created a dashboard with 4 dashlets.

This article shows how to connect to Sugar CRM data as a generic ODBC Data Provider and create charts, reports, and dashboards based on Sugar CRM data in Dundas BI. Set the OAuthClientSecret to the consumer secret. Create dynamic dashboards and perform analytics based on Sugar CRM data in Dundas BI. a free trial: The CData ODBC Driver for Sugar CRM enables access to live data from Sugar CRM under the ODBC standard, allowing you work with Sugar CRM data in a wide variety of BI, reporting, and ETL tools and directly, using familiar SQL queries.

Click here to join "Explore" to engage in the conversation with this group and curate your SugarClub experience. On the Dashboard tab, select the visualizations and features for your dashboard.

You are now ready to create a dashboard with Sugar CRM data. SQL-based Data Connectivity to more than 150 Enterprise Data Sources. Report drill down option gives the possibility to examine any diagrams segment and look into details in a second. Note that retrieving SugarCRM metadata can be expensive.

Create and Share Seamless Deployment Fully Compatible Designed for SugarCRM Support You Can Count On Support. No doubt Sugar dashboard is a powerful tool for regular Sales Management.

This will use the default OAuth token created to allow client logins. You can configure the DSN using the built-in Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator. Select "ODBC generic" as the Data Provider.

With the fields selected, you can add any filters or conditions on the Measures and Rows, further customizing the visualization.

Topics. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our, Analyze Sugar CRM in Infragistics Reveal. Driver Technologies . Various trademarks held by their respective owners. This website stores cookies on your computer.

SQL connectivity to 200+ Enterprise on-premise & cloud data sources. Learn more about the CData ODBC Driver for Sugar or download Phone … But i am unable to find this button on the create form of the Cases module and i am unable to add it to the create form.

OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret are required if you do not wish to use the default OAuth token. In the Data Link Properties window, select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers on the Provider tab.

On the Dashboard tab, select the visualizations and features for your dashboard. See the World as a Database. It is advised that you store the metadata locally as described in the "Caching Metadata" chapter of the help documentation.

This will limit the number of rows returned, which is especially helpful for improving performance when designing reports and visualizations. Drag the relevant data from the Connector to the panel.

Special diagrams like Pipeline or Forecast, reports diagrams and filtered list views help to see the current state of sales, to analyze opportunities and quotes portfolios from different viewpoints.

Configure the dashboard, creating dynamic visualizations of Sugar CRM data. When you configure the DSN, you may also want to set the Max Rows connection property.

With SugarCMR 7.x version there is dashboard area for each List View and Data Record View that they call as “Intelligent Pane”.

Assign the data values from the query to the appropriate fields for the Dashboards items (Values, Series, etc.) For Sugar Developers, the Dashboard and Dashlet framework provided in Sugar 7 really helps you to build slick reusable Dashlets that can be targeted for certain parts of the app or made globally available anywhere in the app.

Automated continuous replication. See the "Getting Started" chapter in the Help documentation for a guide to using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure a DSN.