Interviews with the celebrities have the huge impact on the common people. what. 7. Large companies like Google are renowned for their out-of-the-box interview questions. People want to entertain and learn about the celebrities so make your interviews fun and keep them on a light mood. Preparing well before interviewing a celebrity can assure you the success of interview. Whether you’re looking for the most up-to-date advice on music promotion, Are you ready to take your music abilities from a hobby to a career? r u favorite songs and who is ur favorite singer.and give a nice or happy ending to whom it interviewing A right question has the ability to make an interview unlike a wrong question which can tick a celebrity off or can turn them sour for other questions, it may cause them to leave interview without completing which cause negative publicity for you and them as well. Asking a wrong question is kind of a mistake which can cost a reporter to his/her job or public embarrassment for both parties. If you ask something cut and paste or generic, don’t be surprised if you’re met with a sigh and a monotonous answer, because that’s all your question warrants. 6. When interviewing, it must be kept in mind that interview questions for celebrities asked during an interview should be directly related to him/her, there upcoming projects, interest etc. Persist What was the first tune(s) you learned? Interviewing a celebrity is one of the most common interviews and read by the audience at very large level. What have you learned about yourself since you became a celebrity? They have to deal with public expectation as well as the performance. There’s no doubt about it. Some time when asking a sensitive topic you should check the tone and attitude by which you are asking question. Celebrities are like god (for some hard core fans) and there are many people who love them dearly and also there are people who hate them. Keep the track of all previous record; they may help you in your questioning time. Generally bad publicity directly affects the brands and public relation. It also helps in rehearsing last minute details. A member of our team wants to hear about your music project right now. So prepare notes during interview very carefully because they sum up your all hard work on few pages and going to use as the record and also keep a voice recorder with you just in case you need it during interviews. Great, We know that getting the right microphone is super important. Dig dirt. A celebrity can come from any field and from any part of the world , we live in the time of globalization where there is lot of talent from different backgrounds like music, sports, film, TV talent, authors etc and there are specific set of questions that should be asked them while interviewing. However, as long as you ask a question they haven’t had to answer a thousand times before, then you should be good.

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