This will ensure we can get thin enough pieces that will work both as a cereal, or even as a snack. ( Log Out /  While the item could possibly be priced similarly at different shops. Crunch. Use two pieces of parchment paper to roll the dough out using a rolling pin or a bottle, ensuring that it rolls out thin, but not so thin that it can’t stay grounded (lol) on the sheet. Controlling life and putting your worth in numbers. Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Vegan + Gluten-Free) Scroll down to content. And it only took me about a week to realize this fact. I use my passion for cooking and baking to create unique, healthy, allergy-friendly, yet still delicious meals and treats for you to enjoy! Some people are are interested Is Cinnamon Toast Crunch Vegan 2018 with the cheap price. Blueberry and banana baked french toast casserole | Vegan, Peanut butter lime dressing – Tofu & rice noodle salad, Baked tomato-balasamic toast (Vegan breakfast idea! Ebook pdf Main navigation. I wanted to create a vegan gluten free cereal with very few ingredients and I’m so happy to say it was a success! Cinnamon Toast Crunch aims to provide the taste of cinnamon toast … Finally, fold in the coconut sugar and ensure that everything is fully incorporated. 3 tablespoons of water Divide the dough into 3 or 4 pieces. I hope you enjoy this recipe and when you make it, tag me on instagram @dadaeats so I can see your creations! Learn how your comment data is processed. Just one more time…for everyone in the back, not listening to what I just said. It’s definitely an exciting departure from some of my other breakfast favorites on the site. I’m Samah Dada, an avid recipe developer, wellness enthusiast, and food photographer living in New York City.

60ml syrup (alternative sugar-free syrup or agave syrup) I’ve never claimed to be perfect. This granola is much lower in sugar and higher in fiber than Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. In another bowl mix c.a 1dl sugar (or sugar free option) with 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon and mix well – leave to stand until after the bread is cooked. This recipe is not overly sweet; I don’t like a super sugary anything so I find this to be just the right amount – especially paired with the sprinkling of cinnamon and coconut sugar on top! This crunchy cinnamon sugar flavored cereal makes me oh so nostalgic. 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder Are we all feeling the same about this!? I recommend separating the dough into four batches and rolling them each out separately between two pieces of parchment paper. Toast.

That’s also vegan and gluten-free. Cinnamon. Crunch. When you leave a comment on this blog WordPress will automatically store your Gravatar name, IP address, comment and email address. (Ecstatic, and mildly in shock from the thrill of it all?). (Ecstatic, and mildly in shock from the thrill of it all?

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and work it with your hands until a dough forms.

Leaving a comment is considered a definite intention, as defined by the GDPR, giving me consent to store this information, and permission to contact you in the future (if only to respond to your comment via this blog). Method:

You can of course make these as big or small as you like – I like aiming for something just a tad bigger than traditional cinnamon toast crunch. 3 airfryer recipes! Homemade.