For organizations that require access to data insights to all members of the organization, Metabase is a particularly good choice as dashboards can be created that show Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), metrics, and other information that the organization may want to track periodically. It requires a lot of steps to take in, especially the portion that dealt with connecting an HTTP driver to Metabase. as its data source. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Learn more. For a more detailed walkthrough, check out our Getting Started guide.

Create and share unlimited dashboards; Ask questions without knowing SQL; Send results on a schedule; Start trial 20 users included, $5 per additional user. We recommend the latest LTS version of JRE from AdoptOpenJDK with HotSpot JVM and x64 architecture, but other Java versions might work too. (, MongoDB: Error filtering by ObjectId field with "Is empty" or "Not empty" options (, BigQuery column of ARRAY type in results causes a casting exception (, Redshift Spectrum: Support for externally linked tables (, Cannot setup new Metabase instance, when browser locale is different from available language (, Cannot click some card titles on dashboard to go to question (, Data Model Metrics shows error if using special combination of Custom Expressions (, Dashboards with questions, that user doesn't haven't permissions to, breaks completely (, Questions based on Saved Question joined with another Saved Question breaks Notebook (, Field filters break SQL-type questions for Redshift data sources in v0.36.0 (, Can't use "Sum over time" or "Distribution" with nested question (, Dashboard filter not working correctly when Field Type is Unix Timestamp (, Filters are sometimes not applied when downloading data (, "Custom Mapping" Display Value option is not available on tables with NULL entries (, "Is empty" option filters out only NULL String (, Added a hide-all-tables / show-all-tables button for databases in the Data Model (, Added support for connection URIs for MongoDB and JDBC databases (, Added support for BigQuery Service Accounts (, Jetty request header size is now configurable (, Don't complain about API endpoints/schemas missing docstrings when running linters (, Input box disappeared on date Filter UI (, Download not working on revoking raw sql query access (, Sync DB schema loses manual schema config (, Query fails on "Error reducing result rows" on cumulative aggregations with null-values (, Creating a dashboard with a nested query Card can result in all dashboards being broken until hard refreshing (, Homepage is missing sections (X-rays and Our data) after setup (, Viewing Card with another Card as source query gets stuck on loading spinner forever (, Drill-through is broken on nested question (, Drill-through is broken on nested question on dashboard (, Visualization type gets reset to "Table" (different scenarios) (, Visualization type cannot be saved when is only one result (, Some users don't have permission to view query with a subquery, but can view the subquery directly (, java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.time.Instant cannot be cast to class java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime (, Dashboard filter dropdown not working when linked to question joined table (, Unexpected change of visual and entering editor mode for question on change of date time filter of a saved question (, Native question will reset visualization to Table unless there's data from the beginning (, Missing Translation at modal on new user at question (, Editor screen jumps to top when unselecting the columns where list exceeds screen height (, Can't view nested saved questions without data access permissions (, :user-joined and :create-user activities not saved to activity log during setup (, Error when updating Max Cache Entry Size: "Values greater than {1} are not allowed" (, Sync not triggered for database added during setup (, Password reset doesn't work on low-resolution screens (, Cannot start Metabase on Turkish language OS (, Search: no longer show inaccessible metrics & segments (, SQLite does not support Right or Full Outer joins (, Trend visualization fails, when results comes from cache (, Column type of aggregated column in sql view is unknown (, Added a hide-all-tables / show-all-tables button for databases in the Data Model, Added support for connection URIs for MongoDB and JDBC databases, You can now link dashboard filters to Custom questions with filtered aggregate data (, viewing Card with another Card as source query gets stuck on loading spinner forever (, unexpected change of visual and entering editor mode for question on change of date time filter of a saved question (.

Troubleshooting Guide. Hevo, an integrated analytics platform that can act as a data warehouse through which you can load your data from different sources and access them through a modern, unified interface. SHA-256 checksum for the 0.34.2 JAR: You signed in with another tab or window. For this specific example, you will use the user’s endpoint that gives information about the repositories owned by a user.