Norway, Iceland and other EEA countries can suspend it if there is a large movement of people across the continent, or extreme economic or societal circumstances. But we will not vote for Theresa May’s terrible deal, and we will never countenance a disastrous no-deal crash. The campaign may be required to retain data for the purposes of Electoral Commission reporting or other legal compliance, for a period of no more than 24 months from the date of the EU referendum. We only collect the information that we need to fulfil the purposes set out at collection. “Parliament must listen to the people not listen to itself. “So if you were going to have a referendum, it will either be Boris Johnson’s deal or no deal.

The tragedy for Theresa May is that if she had alighted on this in the autumn of 2016 she would have stood a much better chance of uniting most of parliament and most of the country – and leaving the EU on 29 March with a deal in place. A second referendum and common market 2.0 aren’t mutually exclusive. This does not mean changing any agreements. In her catastrophically judged speech last Wednesday night, Theresa May had the gall to accuse MPs of doing “everything possible to avoid making a choice”. It seems to me that all that needs to happen in the next few days is for nothing to happen. There are still good Labour MPs trying to persuade their leadership to do the right thing. Unlike the prime minister, Labour is willing to be flexible to find a way through. This also includes information about any donations you might make or advocacy actions you may take part in. Theresa May’s deal was rejected as 344 MPs voted against her exit plan with just 286 voting in support of it on Friday. Express. Lucy Powell is the Labour MP for Manchester Central. Some people ask why we can’t look at alternatives. The unavoidable extension to article 50 was forced by the total failure of Theresa May’s strategy. JUST IN: Brexit betrayal: Johnson launches ruthless bid to oust Bercow. We are where we are because of the failure of the PM to work in the national interest. We may also retain any information you upload or post on the Vote Leave website such as profile pictures and comments. Mr Bone appeared on BBC Newsnight on Tuesday following the mass purge which saw nearly two dozens Conservative MPs get booted from the party. This privacy policy sets out how Vote Leave collects and uses any information you may give us when you visit this website, as well as how we may disclose that information, and how you can control the collection, correction and/or deletion of that information. We would assert our current rights as members of the European Economic Area via Efta to stay in the single market so that we keep frictionless trade and come to a customs arrangement.
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By contrast, Jeremy Corbyn has been engaging with our group and others on a way forward . Advocates of Norway, Canada and a customs union will have a chance to test the appetite of MPs for their ideas. My fear is that the short-term partisan considerations of the Labour and Conservative leaderships will conspire in overruling what ought to be in the national interest. “Now that sort of referendum might be something to look at.”. Everyone would relax. newspaper archive. Dominic Cummings reportedly goaded the Labour leader into voting for a general election. Or a pointless Brexit where we have to abide by EU rules, but have no say in making them. To delay Brexit in the way the EU announced last week requires a vote in parliament on a so-called statutory instrument (SI). You could turn up at the borders for nine months and everything would be the same during that period. I would still encourage members on all sides to support the agreement – but particularly my Conservative colleagues and the DUP. MPs want to resolve the crisis. The powerful will use the economic shock of no deal to impose more austerity on the many and corporate tax cuts for the few.

It always has. The Commons Speaker will have the final say on whether the vote is held and could block the request after MPs passed the Letwin amendment on Saturday, to delay making a decision on the withdrawal agreement. The divisions on Brexit cut across party lines. Data will not be retained or transferred to any successor organisation for any non-referendum purpose. This is normal practice for political campaigns in the UK.
We may be required to disclose information by law or court order. But the short extension does open up a window for parliament to signal a way out of the crisis the government has created.