True love had been crowned with a true royal sensibility. And probably saw the three other articles counting down the 100-41 major pop culture events and decisions - which happened between 2008, to the present - we've run throughout the week, right? – fan fiction, since it retread old plot devices and stories, and despite creating a time travel nightmare it didn’t amount to very much in the end. For example, friends of Benioff and Weiss left the episode not knowing that Jaime and Cersei were related. When Disney bought Lucasfilm and announced it would finally be making an Episode VII, set after the events of Return of the Jedi, the entire world of fandom started talking and arguing and theorizing about it, and it didn’t stop until The Force Awakens premiered on December 18, 2015. For example, friends of Benioff and Weiss left the episode not knowing that Jaime and Cersei were related. He used this new system not as a cheap ploy, but as a realistic way to show depth and scale in his film. In 2014, the ex-boyfriend of a video game developer named Zoe Quinn wrote a blog that accused her of, among other things, sleeping with members of the press in exchange for positive coverage. Online harassment campaigns—including rape and death threats, doxxing, “swatting,” threatening family members, and other forms of abuse—are now treated (by some) as acceptable forms of public discourse, which we saw with the Ghostbusters reboot, Wonder Woman, and even Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (Does the Queen ever say, "Phew"?). Rebecca Sugar’s Steven Universe singlehandedly proved that a show created by a woman that featured a diverse, inclusive cast and crew could be a huge success. Text us for exclusive photos and videos, royal news, and way more. When Disney bought Lucasfilm and announced it would finally be making an Episode VII, set after the events of Return of the Jedi, the entire world of fandom started talking and arguing and theorising about it, and it didn’t stop until The Force Awakens premiered on 16 December 2015. Over the last decade, nerds have conquered pop culture. Before Avatar came into the picture, 3D was nothing more than a gimmick. If you were none the wiser, the gruesome event—which starts out as a wedding feast and ends with the slaughter of Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn, his wife, his direwolf, and thousands of his faithful troops—was the latest cruel shock in a series known for them. Those Twilight fans raised the bar when it came to fandom endurance, and Comic-Con hasn’t been the same since.

We didn’t see Wade Wilson struggle to accept the changes that happened to his body or grapple with the right thing to do with his powers. You get it.

Sure, some people like zombie entertainment, but it’s amazing that a TV show about people living in the zombie apocalypse could draw a such an incredibly huge audience from week to week. the victory was a rallying point in the women's campaign to be on equal financial footing with male players.

Lots and lots of heroes. The best-known was PewDiePie, with 120 million followers across social media.