EU edition = Zappa/UMe ZR 3849, manufactured in Germany. For the 2016 Frank Zappa documentary, see. Zappa also directed feature-length films and music videos, and designed album covers. This was the last release on Zappa's own Bizarre Records label. According to Zappa, the title "is something that showed up on a ouija board at one time.". The album is mostly made up of instrumental pieces, similar in style to those of three previous albums: Hot Rats (October 1969), Burnt Weeny Sandwich (February 1970), and Waka/Jawaka (July 1972).

For the 2016 Frank Zappa documentary, see. The Grand Wazoo studijski je jazz album američkog glazbenika Franka Zappe, koji je izašao u prosincu 1972.g.Zappa je '72. 1, You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. FZ Meets the Mothers of Prevention, European Version • "The Rainbow Theatre Incident." 2, You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. Guitar • You Can’t Do That on Stage Anymore Volume I • One Shot Deal • N.p., 13 May 2007. Zappa had been working on these tracks in the years before his death in 1993. The album is mostly made up of instrumental pieces, similar in style to those of three previous albums: Hot Rats (October 1969), Burnt Weeny Sandwich (February 1970), and Waka/Jawaka (July 1972).

Totalmente avulso dal concept del resto del disco è l'unico brano a contenere una traccia vocale sull'album, For Calvin (and His Next Two Hitch-Hikers), che tratta dei dubbi di "Calvin" Schenkel circa due autostoppisti da lui caricati in auto. Aynsley Thomas Dunbar is an English drummer. Playground Psychotics • Captain Beefheart, Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch, Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger, Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention, The Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life, The Guitar World According to Frank Zappa, Frank Zappa Plays the Music of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute, The Frank Zappa AAAFNRAAA Birthday Bundle, The True Story of Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels,, Creative Commons Nevezd meg!

You Can’t Do That on Stage Anymore Volume V • Them or Us • It is the only track that is not instrumental on the album, though the track features a long guitar solo. You Can’t Do That on Stage Anymore Volume III • This page was last edited on 13 April 2015, at 13:09. In 1963 he graduated in Garfield High School. Diese Formation leitete ihren Namen von dem im selben Jahr erschienenen Album ab, in dem Zappa ein großes Orchester mit Musikern versammelte, die hauptsächlich aus der Jazzszene kamen, wie die Saxophonisten Anthony Ortega und Ernie Watts oder der Posaunist Billy Byers; „er bevorzugt[e] diese Art von Formation, die einen Regenbogen musikalische[r] Nuancen erlaubt[e], unendlich subtiler und entwickelter als die beschränkte Gruppe, mit der er gewöhnlich arbeitet[e]“, so sein Biograph Alain Dister 1975.

Il "grande Wazoo" del titolo è il rudimentale megafono con il quale l'Imperatore impartisce gli ordini al suo esercito. "Saint Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast" contains Zappa's percussionist Ruth Underwood on marimba who added a very distinct sound to many of his songs in the early 1970s. 2, You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 4, You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. The Grand Wazoo is a studio album by Frank Zappa and The Mothers, released in November 1972. Joe’s XMasage • Con questo lavoro concettuale Zappa unì insieme sue produzioni precedenti come Uncle Meat (1968) e 200 Motels (1971) che già risentivano di forti influenze jazzistiche.