Used predominantly by females or homosexuals to express fondness. He will lift me up on a ROCK.” (, Large rocks provide shade from the blinding, dehydrating rays of the hot desert sun. You are MY Hope and MY Inspiration Lord, unto You will I cry. I believe in You, I believe in You For Your faithful love to me You have been MY Help in time of Need Lord, unto You will I cleave. He is to be praised (“Praise to MY ROCK” Ps 18:46NLT-note) under both characters. 32:3–4.) Are you experiencing difficult circumstances? Rock is loud music with a strong beat that is usually played and sung by a small group of people using instruments such as electric guitars and drums. The record peaked at a modest No. A rock is a piece of rock that is small enough for you to pick up. Are you downcast or in distress? The next time you are tempted to grumble or you feel downcast, determine enabled by the Spirit’s inner strengthening of your soul to sing a psalm of praise to the ROCK OF YOUR SALVATION. - My ( ex )girlfriend. The Names of God, GREETINGS IN JESUS PRECIOUS NAME. Are you thirsty? Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary     English Cobuild, "He/She rocks!/ You rock!" “Do you find yourself in “dry, desert-like” life-sapping circumstances, like David when he was in the wilderness, crying out “O God, Thou art my God; I shall seek Thee earnestly; My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Ps 63:1-note) Then, do as David did and run to the Rock of your Salvation and experience His comforting “supernatural shade” and ever sufficient supply of soul satisfying drink (Remind your soul of the Rock’s “sufficiency” by reading 2Cor 9:8-note, Jn 7:37-39-note). ...a rock concert., ...famous rock stars. David explains that “those who know Thy NAME will put their trust in Thee, for Thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek Thee.” (Ps 9:10-note) Spurgeon outlines this psalm: (1) All important knowledge — know Thy Name. Lord, unto You will I cry. You are the Strength of my life. Something that is rock-solid is extremely hard. All rights reserved. You are the Rock of MY Salvation Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:11–12.) rock bottom, rock climber, rock climbing, rock garden. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. A rock pool is a small pool between rocks on the edge of the sea. She confided to her mother six months ago that her marriage was on the rocks... Rock and roll is a kind of popular music developed in the 1950s which has a strong beat and is played on electrical instruments. The prophets used these metaphors in a variety of ways, conveying an impression of the unwavering character of God as well as the need for spiritual solidarity in the foundation and structure of our own lives. It is one of the best ways to experience calm and contentment when life seems bleak and circumstances appear to be overwhelming. Therefore it becomes us to praise Him with heart and with voice from day to day; and especially should we delight to do this when we assemble as His people for public worship.” We “who have hidden in that Rock can truly praise Him.”, O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; Drink from the Rock of your Salvation. RELATED STUDIES: