Ubiq provides a wide range of visualization options like line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, etc to view sales trends and numbers in real-time. Use dashboard software, a tv monitor, and an HDMI device to display your sales leaderboard in your sales department. Ubiq also provides the ability to build ad hoc sales dashboards to answer business questions or find specific information. It's an essential tool for sales data presentation. Highly customizable reporting automation tool, Find out why Klips is the right reporting tool for you, Going from data to awesome reporting visualizations, here’s how Klips work, Get expert 1-on-1 help building your reports in Klips, 80+ interactive dashboard reports for you to explore, Track and analyze your team's metrics all in one place, The best source to learn about metrics and KPIs, Track individual sales performance in real-time, Track team sales performance in real-time, Directly compare performance across multiple sales metrics, Use competition to motivate the sales team, Create an open work environment using data, Use the leaderboard data to make quick decisions and not wait for end of quarter reports. Create custom sales dashboards by blending Salesforce, CRMs, Excel, and more, to reveal critical information about your opportunities. Create custom sales dashboards by blending Salesforce, CRMs, Excel, and more, to reveal critical information about your opportunities.

This allows sales analysts and managers to dynamically spot trends and patterns in their data. Here are metrics that are commonly displayed on sales leaderboards: Get your sales data out into the organization. Ubiq enables you to create sales dashboards for local, remote or cloud data directly from web browser. This enables everyone in your team to have the same view of sales performance, quickly get insights and grow sales faster.   From the board room to the sales floor, every member of your organization can stay on top of critical information with at-a-glance sales dashboards.
Ubiq helps you track KPIs and metrics about all the sales processes and activities using interactive dashboards in real-time. Some of our valuable customers across various countries, Documentation Here are some other benefits of implementing a sales leaderboard: You can create a sales leaderboard by using real-time data from your CRM (eg Salesforce) and charting those metrics with your business targets.   A sales dashboard is an essential tool to stay on top of your relevant sales KPIs.

It lets you create dashboards using drag & drop, customize them with a few clicks. Analyze and report MySQL, MariaDB, Amazon RDS databases. Ubiq is a sales dashboard software to quickly build custom dashboards to monitor sales team performance and gain insights.