It LOOKS like you can do some really cool stuff, but really you cant. In the Folders section, select In the top-level folder.
And for me it worked.
Troubleshoot issues This issue is only with the Discussion Board app. Helping organizations achieve their goals – that’s the Bamboo Way. My problem is that 2016 Discussion board out of the box Discussion board "Subject" view, can not be modified like any other view. } The view created after display of this error message does not have any Columns, Sort, Filter or other properties defined.
In this article, we will take a look at the differences between Discussion Board lists in SharePoint 2010 and Discussion Board lists in SharePoint 2013. It is a different type of list than the rest. I had this same problem. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Views for 2003 and 2007 SharePoint Discussion boards are not supported for migration into SharePoint 2013 or higher.
So, I attempted to change the view of the boards, once they were in 2013. After create a custom Flat View in SharePoint Designer, try to go to discussion board list->list settings->Views->click custom flat view, select“ make this the default view” in the Name section and select “show this view in folders of content type: discussion” in … SharePoint 2013 Discussion board Vs Community Site Vs Community portal, Discussion board is linking to list rather than thread, How i can remove views from my discussion board List name “Answered Questions” & “Unanwered questions”, SharePoint 2013: Discussion Board reply Alerts, Discussion Board link with List Item - File not found, Wiring a reliable temperature switched outlet, My old cat died and I don't know how to deal with it, Cover & sound-suppression for doorbell transformer in utility closet.
About the Author: Bamboo Solutions provides innovative products for the management of applications, processes, data, and users on SharePoint.
[…] Apparently the Subject, Flat, and Threaded views are now missing. and it is not the comunity site template, it is a discussion board list. xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}, When it opens, click the view you are using (like subject) then you get a page full of code.
Also, the edit screen does not show any view property to change. data: 'action=postratings&pid=' + post_id + '&rate=' + post_rating + '&postratings_' + post_id + '_nonce=' + post_ratings_nonce, cache: false, success: function() { According to your description, my understanding is that the discussion board Subject field URL link is not working in the custom view.
Sabby. What Chinese characters for “ching wong but jeep” (Roughly: There is no one to keep things going)?