(SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2013 only.)
You can create cross site listings using Data View Web Part if you need the layout of normal List View Web Part.

The real issue is with the full crawls which are supposedly run at random right now. Your option 3 will create a subsite beneath the root site collection for your tenant, the site where the subsites are created can be changed in SharePoint Admin->Settings. Well that's kinda the problem. We’re also keeping our philosophy on separating published (intranet) content from collaboration content. If this is frustrating to you, don’t despair! A key consideration should be design for scalability... in particular with regard to amount of content to be stored.

Another approach I would commonly see would look something like figure 2, where secure subsites were tucked under the publishing site for simplicity to the end-user. Are they sub-sites or site collections? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service.

You will be able to add and remove sites from hubs as needed.

This provided two benefits: Figure 1: Publishing sub-site and secure site collection approach. Or is it somewhere else? I don't think this is a bad approach considering it clearly defines the boundaries in terms of security. Then, create site collections for your more secure content. I think the reason why this line questioning came up for me is because of the SharePoint landing page and the fact that clicking that New Site button creates a new site instead of a Site Collection.
Are they considered publishing sites or collaboration sites? rev 2020.9.28.37683, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, SharePoint Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us.

when we know the file share is no longer the best place for that content.

One site per function– simple security and a straightforward purpose on what it’s providing and who owns the content. There is little benefit to using sub-sites in a modern site collection and you should consider it practically unsupported. Or both?

I.e. It’s time to flatten your site architecture from those deep legacy structures (see figures 1 and 2) into an architecture that is easy to manage, secure, organize, and re-organize to your heart’s content.

The importance of the cold chain in the food and the pharmaceutical industry. Product related in this article .

Another approach I would commonly see would look something like figure 2, where secure subsites were tucked under the publishing site for simplicity to the end-user.

At its core though, the idea I believed in is still relevant. Both of these sites are linked to each other in the navigation (manually). This is for good reason!! You can aggregate content using CQWP or SRWP, as mentioned. @Juan Carlos González Martín - in terms of best practice I've seen a lot of material/courses on the web suggesting the structing of SharePoint data into subsites by, for example, department.

In Office 365 and SharePoint Online, we have two modern site templates we can use while still utilizing classic sites when necessary: With everything flattened into a single level of site collections, you may already be cringing at the thought of managing the navigation between sites.

There is no official documentation yet on the crawl timings.

If you aren’t rolling out Teams yet, then try to create your collab-based SharePoint sites as Modern SharePoint team sites when possible. I was always of the opinion you should have sub-sites off the root site for your publishing intranet sites (see diagram). *  One area, where you would have many readers and few content owners/creators and other areas where you could have many collaborators, without compromising security. And if so, I can't find it in Office 365, see my edit.