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"SQL Server Execution Plans" (Simple Talk Publishing, 2008) and "SQL Server Query Performance Tuning Distilled" (Apress, 2008). stream Anyone responsible for writing or creating T-SQL queries will find valuable the insight into bottlenecks, including how to recognize them and eliminate them. Author: Grant Fritchey ���� JFIF H H �� ZExif MM * J Q Q Q �� ���� C 3 0 obj

<>>> Performance Tuning Overview The SQL Server: Performance Tuning and Optimization Clinic provides database administrators and developers with a unique opportunity to work with a SQL Server Subject Matter Expert (SME) and performance tune/optimize specific SQL instances from their environment. SQL Server: Performance Tuning and Optimization WorkshopPLUS Focus Area: Performance and Scalability Duration: 4 days Difficulty: 300- Advanced Overview This course will provide you the knowledge to understand the key principles about the aspects of SQL Server that affect application performance.