Dr. Graham, as he was called, though he had no formal medical training, was born in 1794, the 17th child of Reverend John Graham, Jr.

I have been experimenting with the techniques in Peter Reinhart’s Whole Grain book, converting some of my favorite and creating new whole grain breads. Observers of the Graham System became known as "Grahamites".

According to Peter, “different companies have kind of coined it for their own use, perhaps even sifting out some of the endosperm in order to make it even more coarse and branny — more Graham-y, so to speak. Today Graham bread is made with Graham flour: Graham flour is whole wheat flour with finely ground endosperm and coarsely ground bran and germ. The germ contains oil that accelerates ran… Boston brown bread. His lectures and articles advocated health and a vegetarianism lifestyle -ideas that were vastly unheard of at the time. The difference between graham flour and regular whole wheat flour is that the components of the wheat grain, the bran, germ, … Wheat Flour Basics. Follow Bakepedia's board Pumpkin-spice latte!

Riots began to be commonplace in the towns in which Sylvester Graham was due to speak.

He believed that using all of the grain in the milling of flour and baking of bread was a remedy for the poor health of his fellow Americans during changes in diet brought on by the Industrial Revolution. Dr. Graham was a very gifted orator and his lectures were very popular on what became known as "The Graham System".

I decided to consult our friend in bread, Peter Reinhart and also Alice Medrich, who has just written a book on flour.

But in this version, the endosperm is sifted out (whether stone ground or roller milled) and then the bran and germ are more finely milled on roller mills so as to not clog up the stones, and then added back into the endosperm.

Try graham flour for: Graham crackers. Most of us are familiar with graham crackers but have your ever thought about how they got their name? Plain whole wheat flour can also be used as a substitute in recipes, but the texture of the resulting baked goods will be different than if graham flour had been used. I also added raisins and chopped pecans at then end. Graham Flour is named after Sylvester Graham, the earliest of the 19th century health reformers. What are some suggestions for achieving a better texture?

The mainstay of Dr. Graham's revolutionary health reform was to eat only home-baked bread made from whole-wheat flour.

However, Victorian Graham bread recipes don’t mention Graham flour, they use unbolted flour (unsifted whole wheat flour).