Maybe you took piano lessons as a kid or know that you have natural good rhythm. And you can start playing it instantly. If you already know how to read music, for instance, you may prefer to pick up a recorder rather than a harmonica. Do you want to learn a new instrument to challenge yourself? Why not save yourself some frustration? People who go all out and get a professional keyboard may not need to worry about the cost. Learning a new instrument can be an intuitive way to become a better artist, improve muscle memory, and occupy your creative side while you’re trapped at home during the coronavirus quarantine. As a drummer, you’ll really learn rhythm and time, which is what keeps a song together. The second great thing is that the piano can take you as far or as short as you want to go with learning a new instrument. Since you learned to shake a rattle when you were tiny, maracas should be instantly easy for you. You’ll love knowing how to play the piano, and others will love that you can too! Some songs require only one or two chords, so you’ll be playing tunes right from day one. You may need to expand your limits a little and choose from the more difficult, but still relatively easy instruments on this list like the ukulele. To impress someone? Manuja Chadha is a Community Manager at Creative Xchange. For your efforts in learning something a little more complex in terms of the muscles and coordination you have to use to get your fingers and breath working in sync, recorders have a high ceiling on your potential to learn and grow with them. First, you need to think about the music you like listening to.For example, if you like heavy metal, buying a bassoon is probably not going to meet your tastes or inspire you much. If you love the beat of a song, you’ll love playing the drums. Bongos provide an affordable, amusing instrument for budding little percussionists or adults that want stress relief the simple way. Gymming for health enthusiasts and drumming for musical ones, a way of releasing energy in the best way possible! The drum sticks help a child to beat their drums to their own type of music. If you want to play guitar but are intimidated by learning six strings, try learning bass guitar. You will have to learn to read two different lines of music at once. A new instrument can be a daunting task, however, and that’s why we made this guide on how to choose one for your needs. Another option is a simple xylophone, or glockenspiel, which requires no specific guided education like embouchure training to get started playing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As an added bonus, you’ll never have to worry about tuning your instrument! Even toddlers can have fun with them. Easiest Instrument to Learn – for Adults. For those that want the highest returns on their investment, ukuleles are a great choice. Here are our top ten easiest instruments to learn. If you’re going to go ahead and try guitar, which many readers probably will, you should also make sure you pick up the right guitar for your needs.