Throw pineapple in your morning smoothie, or enjoy a couple slices for an afternoon snack. Down it straight or dilute it with regular water. "@type":"ItemList",
Slice them up to make salsa or top off a sandwich. That's why, it's important to note, beyond eating the right foods, water is crucial for de-bloating, says dietitian Torey Armul, RD. Another water-dense fruit, pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, says Gans. This naturally sweet fruit is also a source of lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid associated with heart health. “It makes you urinate, so it can help with any water bloat you’re feeling,” says New York City-based dietitian Brigitte Zeitlin, RD. All whole grains contain bloat-beating fiber, but oatmeal might take the cake. Beets are another potassium-rich food, which can help counteract sodium in your body, and therefore bloat. “The water content in cantaloupe, as well as watermelon and honeydew, is equivalent to having water from a glass," says Kirkpatrick—helping hydrate your body and reduce bloating.

Water-retaining bloat makes you feel like the Michelin Man—puffy all over.

The gassy kind of bloat makes you unbutton your jeans after eating certain foods—often beans, dairy, cruciferous veggies like broccoli or cauliflower, or greasy foods. "url":"" If you’re on a low-carb diet, like keto, avocados are an excellent source of bloat-reducing potassium and antioxidants for just six carbs—a quarter what you’d get in a banana. Yogurt isn't your only probiotic-packed option. Per half cup: 11 calories, 0 g fat (0 g sat fat), 374 mg sodium, 2 g carbohydrates, 1 g of sugar, 1.2 g fiber, 4 g protein.

“Having it first thing in the morning will help you move your bowels sooner, so you’ll feel better all day,” says Zeitlin. From pizza crust and rice to... Live Consciously, Love More, Nurture Yourself. Can’t digest yogurt because of the lactose?

This lovely (not!)

“Your body holds onto water when there’s too much sodium." The bloating of IBS does not seem to be linked with excess wind. Enter: anti-bloat foods. You know the feeling: You can’t get your rings on, and your eyes look like you’ve been in a brawl. Foods rich in fibre like whole grains, legumes, and some vegetables — although healthy — can lead to bloated bellies.

Per 1 cup serving (raw): 27 calories, 0.3 g fat (0 g sat fat), 0 mg sodium, 5 g carbohydrates, 3 g of sugar, 3 g fiber, 3 g protein. Cantaloupe also has more potassium than other melons, which helps your body flush out any excess sodium and water it’s holding onto, says Cording. Yep, the old lemon water trick actually works. (Don't worry, you won't break down all their fiber. People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often complain of bloating, especially in the evening. Should you cut out bread to stop bloating? "@type":"ListItem", swallowing air (from talking while eating etc), too much gas is produced as a reaction to the food. Home » Nurture Yourself » Bodywork & Body Care » 8 Anti-Bloat Foods to Eat When You’re Feeling Puffy, slide = '';originalUrl = '' “It might sound counter-intuitive, but fluid pushes out fluid,” says Zeitlin. “They’re way more versatile than get credit for,” says Zeitlin: Add artichoke hearts to salads, pasta, or toast—or simply grill them whole and dip them in yogurt-dill sauce.