Your Guide to Blogging, Beauty, and Living a Blissful Life. I can’t make anyone understand what I go through so I rather go ghost.” — Jackie P. 2. . Chances are, your friend is counting on you! Yes, I technically can overcome that anxiety and meet up with you for a bit, but I know my body and what it can handle and nine [times out of] 10, I will crash and you will need to drive me back home, mid-panic attack.
If you promise your friend that you are going to help them move into their new apartment, but then you want to flake because you don't really like moving things, that's just not cool. It’s about an hour before you’re supposed to head out the door to meet up a friend for dinner. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible.
amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; I also recently realized that I have access to LOADS of movies and tv shows with my Amazon Prime account. Mainly because you have no friends. You're Flaky If You Cancel: When you lie about not having money, but then go shopping “I ignore texts and calls because it’s easier than having to explain myself. “It’s not that I can’t concentrate on the conversation, it is that I have already raced through what I think you will say, and how I will respond and something else has occurred to me and if I don’t say it when it pops into my head, I may be too nervous to say it at all… Then I will literally go over our conversation time and time again, trying to figure out when a better chance to say that other important thing would have been.” — Crystal M. 17.

You tryna be tricky? If Your Friend Is Unhappy That You Go Ahead Without Them Some friends seem to want the right of first refusal, meaning that they really don’t want to go but they still want to … 6. . Ever think about that one thing that you wish you had more time to work on? “I only wish that people can take a step back and think about being more empathetic before they assume I’m just ‘being flaky.’ I am trying my hardest, and some days when people give me a hard time because I start getting flaky, my anxiety tends to get worse.” — Leah M. 10. It's way better to tell the truth and make an effort to make it right rather than be flaky AF when the time comes to return the item. That email doesn't look right. I would definitely cancel my plans to take care of my cat. You may have changed your mind about those brunch plans or going to the morning tailgate, but here's how you know when it's fine to cancel your plans and when it's not. “Sometimes dragging myself to an event is not worth the emotional toll it takes to recover.

“If I manage to make it out, I’ll be late… this is because I’ve been arguing with myself, about whether or not I can handle where I’m going/what I’m about to do. I wish I weren’t such a flake. If you don't, that friend is probably you. “I’ve been practicing my entire life to look like everything is fine. “I really truly wish I could turn off the voice in my head that some days (for no rhyme or reason) holds me prisoner in my own home. We wanted to know what people who have come off as “flaky” had to say about this, so we asked members of our Mighty community who struggle with anxiety to share one thing they wish others understood.